
Build failure on devel due to a GOSemSim

Closed this issue · 3 comments

llrs commented

Build failure on devel due to GOSemSim:

genes <- c("23098", "4843", "5431", "4710", "4287", "5217", "7321", "1207", 
"9891", "27252", "56922", "1136", "51668", "5241", "54700", "43", 
"11020", "5372", "7528", "79913", "2717", "6650", "9738", "3718", 
"9827", "23586", "9148", "975", "84274", "80824", "8078", "10686", 
"6152", "374291", "60482", "6509", "2582", "10560", "9194", "5228", 
"25950", "10564", "26212", "8189", "94101", "8520", "968", "4301", 
"2643", "51763", "23164", "254428", "29079", "56886", "9380", 
"85465", "2247", "254013", "54509", "4123", "3801", "27043", 
"10907", "84958", "26230", "9589", "908", "27147", "6129", "6749", 
"2308", "7069", "3628", "5352", "1525", "58494", "9337", "7273", 
"10670", "138199", "6750", "26958", "136227", "29115", "51005", 
"7086", "285231", "4724", "9232", "1020", "2923", "124975", "55048", 
"55867", "3516", "9677", "3965", "6940", "27258", "3866", "54811", 
"5707", "201626", "7025", "10458", "127064", "126375", "9735", 
"3852", "388567", "55615", "401541", "388552", "728", "5660", 
"5336", "8337", "5004", "3833", "26063", "51750", "3690", "92335"
BP <- godata('org.Hs.eg.db', ont="BP", computeIC=TRUE)
gsGO <- GOSemSim::mgeneSim(genes, semData = BP, measure = "Resnik", verbose = FALSE)
## Error in infoContentMethod_cpp(ID1, ID2, .anc, IC, method, ont) : 
##   Expecting a string vector: [type=logical; required=STRSXP].
aolow commented

Ran into the same issue with GOSemSim::mgoSim() function (R 4.0.0).

llrs commented

Hi @aolow, the issue seems to be related to calculating the IC of the GOSemSim not on the code of this package, so I cannot do anything on this package to solve this error. (I opened the issue just to record it). Hope the maintainer is working on it and finds soon a fix.

llrs commented

Seems that there were some problems on the Bioconductor side, maybe the compilers, and now the checks are passing green.

@aolow Did you manage to solve the issue (maybe reinstalling the package)?