How can I use only './weights/posenet3d-rhd-stb-slr-finetuned.pickle'?
dedoogong opened this issue · 2 comments
when I use only the model "'./weights/posenet3d-rhd-stb-slr-finetuned.pickle'",
I got one error "ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 1049600 into shape (2562,512)"
Hmmm, 2562 x 512 is 1311744 and 1049600 = 2050 x 512. What should I do?
It seems to be related to PosePrior/fc_rel0/weights's shape " 2050, 512 = 1049600.
I think I should call _inference_pose3d() as PosePrior, ViewPointNet's parameters are contained in the pickle and it was loaded already.
I don't use HandSegNet as below;
def inference(self, image, hand_side, evaluation):
# detect keypoints in 2D
keypoints_scoremap = self.inference_pose2d(image)
keypoints_scoremap = keypoints_scoremap[-1]
# estimate most likely 3D pose
keypoint_coord3d = self._inference_pose3d(keypoints_scoremap, hand_side, evaluation)
# upsample keypoint scoremap
s = image.get_shape().as_list()
keypoints_scoremap = tf.image.resize_images(keypoints_scoremap, (s[1], s[2]))
return image, keypoints_scoremap
Can anybody give me any hint? Please help me ;/
I guess your variable image does not have size (B, 256, 256, 3).
thanks ! you're right. I didn't think about it ;/ sorry.