Corrupt quality values
Closed this issue · 2 comments
mbassalbioinformatics commented
Ive got an unaligned BAM file from a pac bio long-read run which ive converted to a fq using bedtools. I am then trying to use pyfastx to play around with the file and ive noticed something (that could be my own fault).
When i load the fq.gz file from within python, pufastx will open the file, index it and then i can start calling the stats on it.
If however i use the commandline argument then it will index fine, but when i try to run the stats will give the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".../bin/pyfastx", line 8, in <module>
File ".../lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 578, in main
File ".../lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 99, in fastx_info
fq.maxlen, fq.minlen, fq.maxqual, fq.minqual, ",".join(fq.encoding_type)]
TypeError: Quality values corrupt. found [34, 126] where [33, 104] was expected
Any ideas what might be going on?
lmdu commented
I am sorry, the pyfastx could not support fastq file with qulity score between 34 and 126. I will extend it in new version.
lmdu commented
We have fixed this issue in new versions >= 0.9.0