
Ideas for things to be built on meetups.

MIT LicenseMIT

Lightning Accepted Here



Ideas for the stuff to be built/done/researched on the monthly/bi-weekly Chiang Mai meetups.

All ideas in Issues; one issue == one idea :).

For the bitcoin only meetup, check out this link

Events schedule

date venue occasion description food available
Aug 1st (Wed) Ryan's SegWit lock-in 1st anniversary intro event - getting everyone to get to know each other 🥩
Aug 24th (Fri) Ryan's SegWit activation 1st anniversary LN payment terminal - build a RBP-based payment terminal handling user interaction via e-paper display 🥩 ➕ 🥃
Sep 17th (Mon) Ryan's Not a Weekend Putting "The Box" things together. Maybe adding a display. Testing it out on testnet & mainnet 🥩
Oct 2nd (Tue) Ryan's #FreeRoss Day The usual LN stuff & maybe Ryan will share an insight or two about Baltic Honey Badger 🥩
Oct 24th (Wed) Ryan's Crash of 1929 Discuss news from Scaling Bitcoin 2018, The Box and PoS system 🥩
Jan 28th (Mon) Food4Thought@16:30 #MakeAliceGrinAgain Let's talk about how we can move Lightning forward in Chiang Mai! 🍽➕🍺➕⚡️

Note: All official announcements will either happen via commits to this repository, on Mastodon @lncm@bitcoinhackers.org or Twitter @lncnx.

Bitcoin Only Meetup

date venue occasion description food available
October 28th Sababa Restaurant - tentative Bitcoin Only 2.0 Meetup #1 First of the Bitcoin only 2.0 series. Will host this at Sababa at 7pm. This venue accepts lightning and bitcoin and has many options for food. 🥩🌱➕🍺➕⚡️
November 15th Corner Bistro Taproot / ATH Networking Meetup (1) First meetup post covid19 restrictions. The venue will host from 16:20 onwards and will accept lightning and bitcoin payments 🥩🌱➕🍺➕⚡️
Future meetups will be announced in this announce only telegram group, will look at other options soon.

or please scan the following link:

Telegram group

Bitcoin & Lightning Network Nodes

To connect to one of our nodes, see the wiki here.


All day-to-day discussions are held in a Wire group. To get in either create an issue requesting access here or ping @meeDamian on Wire or Twitter.