- 15
Create "Bitcoin/LN accepted here" sign
#34 opened by meeDamian - 4
Docker Infra checklist
#41 opened by meeDamian - 8
Test various power supplies
#40 opened by meeDamian - 3
Consider switching away from Travis
#39 opened by meeDamian - 0
Write better homepage for wiki
#38 opened by meeDamian - 1
LNCM Pitch/Slides Brainstorming Thread
#36 opened by nolim1t - 0
- 0
Web GUI for PoS
#29 opened by AnotherDroog - 9
LN payment processing device (aka "The Box")
#1 opened by nolim1t - 16
GUI for Setup
#26 opened by IstoraMandiri - 5
Raspberry Pi based PoS System
#14 opened by AnotherDroog - 2
Battery module
#32 opened by meeDamian - 1
IPFS on The Box
#33 opened by nolim1t - 2
RSK hackaton
#28 opened by meeDamian - 3
Multisig donation address
#31 opened by meeDamian - 4
Research IPFS
#6 opened by meeDamian - 0
- 1
Tor Hidden Service
#7 opened by meeDamian - 4
- 8
Move to
#17 opened by meeDamian - 6
Get a domain for lncm
#27 opened by meeDamian - 3
lncm website
#22 opened by nolim1t - 2
Micropayments use cases
#25 opened by IstoraMandiri - 1
5th event
#23 opened by AnotherDroog - 0
BTC Pay server
#21 opened by nolim1t - 6
- 1
Add LN QR codes to Nodes wiki
#20 opened by meeDamian - 0
Enrich with links to wiki
#19 opened by meeDamian - 10
LN invoice generating service
#5 opened by meeDamian - 1
QR code displaying
#16 opened by AnotherDroog - 5
Arduino-based projects
#4 opened by meeDamian - 2
P2mP transactions using LN
#13 opened by whiteyhat - 2
Learn foundations of Bitcoin
#9 opened by meeDamian - 0
LN CM Official Hackathon
#11 opened by nolim1t - 0
Create universal Bitcoin tools
#3 opened by meeDamian