
Failed to setup package

peetCreative opened this issue · 3 comments

I wondered how to setup this package (and integrate into my package). So I just cloned it to a fresh catkin_ws/src.
Well there's the issue from catkin_virtualenv (I already installed it for another package) up.
add_custom_target cannot create target "venv_lock" because another target with the same name already exists
So for the first I removed aiorospy_examples. This resolved this issue for the first. Eventhough I cannot use catkin_virtualenv in my own project now...

Going further, I now run into the following error:
No rule to make target ...catkin_ws/src/
Which looks odd.

Someone ideas with this? Or can maybe give a setup tutorial?

Hey Peter,

for your second issue, you need to create the file specifying all of your pip dependencies, similarly to a requirements.txt

Towards your suggestion I'm not sure what you mean. I expected the standalone package to compile and be able to run out of the box using catkin_make and rosrun aiorospy_example .....

However I think I found this closed issue, which basically says:
catkin_virtualenv is not compatible with catkin_make, because every virtual_env must be generated on it's own. So one should rather use catkin_make_isolated.

Ed562 commented

Towards your suggestion I'm not sure what you mean. I expected the standalone package to compile and be able to run out of the box using catkin_make and rosrun aiorospy_example .....

However I think I found this closed issue, which basically says: catkin_virtualenv is not compatible with catkin_make, because every virtual_env must be generated on it's own. So one should rather use catkin_make_isolated.

catkin_make_isolated did it for me. Thanks!