Manual Mapper using Lidar, IMU and GPS

Setup Procedure

  1. rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

  2. sudo apt install libpcap-dev libyaml-cpp-dev

  3. sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools

  4. catkin build

  5. Set static IP as and subnet mask to in the computer so as to enable communication with Lidar Network Setup

    For troubleshooting Lidar IP issues: Watch

  6. Check the data packets using Wireshark. To install Wireshark: 'sudo apt update sudo apt install wireshark (Allow non-super users to capture packets)'

  7. Set the name of lidar as XT32 in launch file

    Refer: src/HesaiLidar_General_ROS/launch/hesai_lidar.launch

Note: Sometimes, catkin build command needs to be run twice consecutively to build