
Introduction to Computer Graphics course made for DHBW, Mannheim, Winter/Spring 2023.

This course is mostly based on:

Amazing projects done by students

News and updates for lectures:

Exam: 29.3.2023., 16h, Raum 136.1B

Project deadline: 8.4.2023., 23:59h

  • 1.2.2023. document

    • Grading, Projects, Exam, Errata, Email
    • 3D cloth, 3D characters, path and ray tracing
  • 8.2.2023. document

    • New exam date (29.3.2023., 16h, Raum 136.1B), exam questions
    • Project documentation guidelines
  • 15.2.2023. document

    • New exam date (29.3.2023., 16h, Raum 136.1B)
    • Project deadline: 8.4.2023.
    • Homogeneous coordinates and look-at matrix and camera rays generation
  • 22.2.2023. document

    • Exam date reminder: 29.3.2023., 16h, Raum 136.1B
    • Project reminder: 8.4.2023.
  • 1.3.2023. document

    • height maps, texture atlas, ptex, camera lens
  • 8.3.2023. document

    • perspective problems, XYZ colorspace
  • 22.3.2023. document

    • Lecture evaluation
    • Exam reminder: 29.3.2023., 16h, Raum 136.1B
    • Project reminder: 8.4.2023., 23:59h
  • 29.3.2023. document

    • Clipping, look at transform, hair modeling
    • Project reminder: 8.4.2023., 23:59h


1. Introduction

  • Computer graphics: what and why
  • Glimpse of image synthesis
  • Course organization

Introduction lecture presentation

Introduction lecture questions

2. Overview of image generation

Pillars of image generation

  • 3D scene
  • Rendering algorithm
  • Image and display

Overview of image generation lecture presentation

Overview of image generation lecture questions

3. 3D scene overview

Foundational elements of 3D scene:

  • 3D objects
    • Shape representation
    • Material
  • Light sources
  • Cameras

3D scene overview lecture presentation

3D scene overview lecture questions

4. Transforms

  • 3D space
  • Transformations
  • Scene organization

Transforms lecture presentation

Transforms lecture questions

5. 3D objects: mesh shape representation

  • Polygon mesh
  • Subdivision surfaces
  • Mesh and rendering
  • Mesh data-structures
  • Mesh modeling and acquisition

3D objects: mesh lecture presentation

3D objects: mesh lecture questions

6. 3D objects: parametric curves and surfaces, implicit surfaces

  • Parametric curves
  • parametric surfaces
  • Implicit surfaces

3D objects: parametric curves and surfaces, implicit surfaces presentation

3D objects: parametric curves and surfaces, implicit surfaces questions

7. 3D Objects: material

  • Material observation
  • Physics (optics) models for CG
  • Material models in CG
    • Scattering models

3D objects: material lecture presentation

3D objects: material lecture questions

8. 3D Objects: texture

  • Texturing pipeline
  • Image and procedural textures
  • Texture and material modeling

3D Objects: texture lecture presentation

3D Objects: texture lecture questions

9. Light

  • Light and color
  • Real-world light sources
  • Light models
    • Physical lights
    • Non-physical lights
    • Environment illumination
  • Shadows

Light lecture presentation

Light lecture questions

10. Camera

  • Real camera system
  • Image formation
  • Pinhole camera model
  • Virtual pinhole camera

Camera lecture presentation

Camera lecture questions

11. Rendering overview

  • Rendering big picture
  • Practical rendering
    • Ray-tracing
    • Rasterization
  • Intuition via ray-tracing

Rendering overview lecture presentation

Rendering overview lecture questions

12. Rendering: ray-tracing

  • Ray-tracing overview
  • Camera rays
  • Intersections (visibility)
  • Shading
  • Light transport

Rendering: ray-tracing lecture presentation

Rendering: ray-tracing lecture questions

13. Rendering: rasterization

  • Rasterization: the visibility solution core
  • Graphics rendering pipeline: using rasterization for rendering
  • Graphics rendering pipeline: logical GPU model, API

Rendering: rasterization lecture presentation

Rendering: rasterization lecture questions

14. Image

  • Image-space effects
  • Digital imagery
  • Aliasing and anti-aliasing
  • Scene to screen

Image lecture presentation

15. Animation (Optional)

  • Traditional animation in computer graphics
  • Procedural animation
    • Physically-based
    • Empirical

Advanced topics (Optional)

More on 3D scene

  • Voxels

More on rendering

  • Light transport for global illumination:
    • Monte-Carlo ray-tracing: path-tracing, bidirectional path-tracing, metropolis light transport, importance sampling, light sampling, BRDF sampling
    • Finite elements methods: radiosity
  • Light transport for volumetric media: participating media and sub-surface-scattering

More on image


  • Review
  • Where to next?

Outro presentation


Ray-tracing based rendering from scratch

Project task and guide

Rasterization-based rendering, animation and interaction in three.js

Project task and guide

Modeling and animation in Blender

Project task and guide

Additional learning material
