
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


These are the codes related to the paper

  • Dall'Amico, Barrat, Cattuto - An embedding-based distance for temporal graphs

These codes implement our definition of distance between temporal graphs and can be used to reproduce the results in the related paper.

If you make use of these codes, please reference the article

      title={An embedding-based distance for temporal graphs}, 
      author={Lorenzo Dall'Amico and Alain Barrat and Ciro Cattuto},

Dependence on the EDRep package

The main codes to define our distance build upon the EDRep function that can be found at https://github.com/lorenzodallamico/EDRep. If you make use of this package, please refer to the original article in which EDRep was introduced.

      title={Efficient distributed representations beyond negative sampling}, 
      author={Lorenzo Dall'Amico and Enrico Maria Belliardo},

Content of the package

  • Data/SPData: hosts the original contact data as downloaded from the SocioPatterns web page.

  • Package: this directory contains the main functions needed to run our simulations. In particular

    • MatrixDistance implements the distance between two temporal graphs as proposed in our paper. For reference, see the sections below or the documentation of the functions themselves.
    • GraphCreation implements some functions needed to generate random graphs and random shuffles of temporal graphs.
    • Utilities implements some useful functions to deal with the data
  • The notebooks can be used to obtain the pictures appearing in the paper. In particular Recognize graphs generates Figure 3b, Recognize synthetic graphs generates Figure 3a, Recognize_shufflings generates Figure 2.

Folders to be added

  • Data/Graphs: the data that should be inside of it are generated with the notebook named Prepare_graphs and they consists in a simple preprocessing of the data contained in Data/SPData so to make them completely uniform in terms of format and represent them both in the format (i,j,t) and (i,j,t,τ).

  • Data/Shuffled: the data that should be inside of it are generated with the notebook named Shuffle. Once compiled, it generates a sequence of folders each one contianing several shuffles of every graph in the Graphs folder for all the shuffling types considered in the paper.

  • Data/Embeddings: the data that should be put inside of it are generated with the notebook named Get embeddings. They contain the embeddings for each temporal graph contained in the Shuffled folder.

  • Data/SP_Classes_2_per_day: the data that should be put inside of it are generated with the notebook named PrepareSP_day. They represent the contacts related to the schools in which every dataset corresponds to one day of contact between two classes. The name of the file is in the format school_name-class_1-class_2-date.

Example of use

We consider as valid temporal graph inputs only pandas dataframes with columns i, j, t, τ. For this type of graph we have three main functions:

  • GraphDynamicEmbedding: this function computes the embedding of a dynamical graph using the EDRep algorithm

    X = GraphDynamicEmbedding(df, n, dim, n_epochs, k, verbose, η0)

    The only inputs that must be specified is df (the temporal graph) and n the number of nodes, while the others are dim (the embedding dimensionality), and other parameters related to the EDRep algorithm. The output is the array X.

  • EmbDistance: this function computes the distance between two embeddings

    d = EmbDistance(X, Y, distance_type)

    X, Y are the two embedding matrices that must have the same number of columns but that can have a different number of rows. The distance type can be global or local as described in our paper. Note that is distance_type = local, the two matrices must have the same size

  • DynamicGraphDistance: this function computes the distance between two temporal graphs.

    d = DynamicGraphDistance(df1, df2, distance_type = 'matched', dim, n_epochs, k, verbose, η0)

    This is just a combination of the former two functions.

Remark: the function DynamicGraphDistance indeeed implements our distance definition, but we provide also the other two underlying building blocks because it might be convenient to first (or separately) compute all the embedding and then work on them.


Lorenzo Dall'Amico - lorenzo.dallamico@isi.it


This software is released under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (see included file LICENSE)