
PostgreSQL Docker Image used at Lovely Systems

Primary LanguageShell

Opinionated PostgreSQL Docker Images used at Lovely Systems

These images are derived from the official postgres images so all tweaks from this image are available.

Server Image

Installed extensions:


Allows to validate jsonb data via json-schema


Server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions. Works with:

See the Example Developer Compose Stack for details.

Client Image

This docker image is used to initially generate and also to maintain the database schema for apps deployed on postgres servers via psql.

Configuring the target database can be done via the known postgres environment variables.

Image for Upgrading

The upgrade12 image can be used to upgrade data directories from version 12 to the current version. It is based on https://github.com/tianon/docker-postgres-upgrade/.

See the upgrade example for more information

Schema location

Put sql files under /app/schema/sql, the init script runs /app/schema/sql/init.sql using /app/schema/sqlas orking directory.

Initial creation of the Database

To initially create the vanilla schema of the app run:


Diff the Schema

In order to show the difference of the vanilla schema to the configured target database run:


Optional Environment Variables


The options used by the pg_dump tool to extract what will be diffed. This can be overridden in order to define the database to diff and to run a more specific diff

For example to run the diff just on the gql schema in the app db:

DIFFDB_DUMP_OPTIONS='-s -n gql -d app' diffdb

The diff is generated using the apgdiff tool and prints out the statements required to migrate the active db schema on the server to the vanilla schema.


The first 2 parts of the version are derived from the postgres version used. The 3rd part gets incremented upon changes in this repo.


To run all tests do:

./gradlew check