
Some code used in the past for playing with LPC17xx (Cortex-M3) boards (I used this one:

  • BMP.h/c: allocates space and loads a .bmp file.
  • dac-h/c: how to init the DAC and write a value.
  • fir.asm: assembly implementation of a FIR filter. Parameters are according to Cortex-M3 conventions (registers, stack, etc):
    • fir(s_in, size_i, coef, size_coef, out);
      • s_in: samples array address
      • size_i: samples size
      • coef: coefs array address
      • size_coef: coefs size
      • out: output array address
  • sd.h/c: interface for SD cards. As it uses SPI calls, it is necessary to have your own SPI driver.
  • fifo.h/c: simple FIFO implementation
  • uart.c/h: FIFO'ed UART. Uses the fifo files.
  • wav.c/h: reads and plays a WAV file from the SD card. Uses the fatfs library (R0.10a) and SD interface.