
UnrealCommander - cross-platform file manager based on Slate UI Framework (UE4)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


UnrealCommander is an attempt to create a file manager similar to DoubleCommander, based on SlateUI Framework (UnrealEngine4 module), more for educational purposes.

Contribution is welcome, write to me lpestlname@gmail.com

Quick start

For a quick start in development, follow these steps:

  1. You need to have access to the Unreal Engine 4 source code. To do this, follow all the steps described in this guide: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/GettingStarted/DownloadingUnrealEngine/index.html

  2. Build the engine from source by following the instructions in this tutorial:

  3. Clone the UnrealCommander source code from this repository to your computer. WARNING: Do not use to run UnrealCommander.uproject file. In the context of this application (and in general Stand Alone applications), this file is intended for generating a project.

  4. Generate a UnrealCommander project for your IDE:

    • Windows: It is enough to right-click on the UnrealCommander.uproject file and select the Generate Visual Studio project files menu item.

    Menu item

    • Linux: TODO: write instructions
  5. Run the project in your IDE, set up the appropriate platform, configuration and build target.

    • Examples:

      • Visual Studio:

      Visual Studio

      • JetBrains Rider for Unreal Engine:

      Rider for Unreal

      • TODO: etc.
  6. Compile and run the application. After launching, you should see the basic SlateViewer window.

Slate Viewer Window

Now everything is ready for development. Let's do it!


  • Create Stand Alone application based on SlateViewer template;
  • Creating an empty UI shell based on Slate UI Framework and Layout of working areas;
  • ...