
Repository of excel templates of routine tasks performed in the laboratory

In this repository are the Excel templates (.xltx) that I created and used in the laboratory.

A brief description of each one:

  • 01_template_EBs_beating_foci
    • a template to log raw data from embryoid bodies (beating foci count) with a pre-built plot
  • 01a_template_EBs_beating_foci
    • a template to log raw data from embryoid bodies (beating foci count and first day beating) following tidy data format to be analyze in R
  • 02_template_Bradford_96wellplate
    • a template to paste plate reader data to automatically create a calibration curve, and then to calculate sample protein concentration and sample volumes for Western Blot
  • 03_template_primers
    • a template to save information about primers
  • 04_template_design_qPCR
    • a template to prepare experimental design of qPCR experiment to automatically calculate mastermix and sample volumes, with a sheet to store raw Cq from the reader; using the kit Biorad$SSoFastEvaGreen (but work for kits with just one mastermix)
  • 05_template_mycoplasma_mastermix
    • a template to calculate mastermix volumes for PCR mycoplama testing; using PCR kit from NZYtech
  • 06_template_design_hangingDrop_differentitation
    • a template to plan hanging drop differentitiation to termine the number of cells needed as well as the total number of plates for the experiment. Tt generates automatically a calendar csv that can be import to a calendar with the important time points of the experiment
  • 07_template_qPCR_analysis_ChIP_fold_enrichment
    • a template to calculate ChIP enrichment with pre-built plot, considering the enrichment relative to the % input (or total DNA). It also uses a correction to the Cq of the input.
  • 08_template_qPCR_analysis_ddCt_taylor_et_al_2019
    • a template to calculate relative expression of genes following the ddCt method as in Taylor et al. 2019
  • 09_template_transfection_exp_design
    • a template to calculate amount of DNA (plasmid) and Lipofectime2000 needed for a transfection mix.
  • 10_template_experiment_metadata_microscopy
    • a template to create metada file to be imported to CellProfiller so that the images are automatically matched to their respective experiment metadata (e.g. experimental groups, treatment etc)
  • 11_template_westernBlot_quatification
    • a template to "quantify" western blots with data from ImageJ, with pre-built plot for three experimental conditions and t-test

DISCLAIMER: These are templates that I created for me, they probably are not error free. Use them at your own risk. If you find errors, please open an issue.