
Feature: Add command to convert to interleaved format and back from interleaved format back to 2 FASTQ files.

ghuls opened this issue · 1 comments

ghuls commented

Add command to convert to interleaved format and back from interleaved format back to 2 FASTQ files for paired-end data, so they can be used at the beginning and end of a fasten pipeline.

lskatz commented

Hi @ghuls, thank you for trying out Fasten. To convert back to R1/R2, you can use fasten_shuffle -d which is documented here: E.g., to get a random pair of reads and then put them into R1 and R1:

cat file_1.fastq file_2.fastq | fasten_shuffle | head -n 8 | fasten_shuffle -d -1 1.fastq -2 2.fastq
gzip 1.fastq 2.fastq

Let me know if this helps!