
Simple handler example module for nginx

Primary LanguageC


A simple handler example module for nginx.

1) Compiling
As usually, compile nginx with --add-module option:

	./configure --add-module=/path/to/ngx_http_simple_module

2) Configuring
Two directives are supported

	* simple_example
		Activates the module in a given location context.

	* simple_example_content
		Setup a HTML response content

	* simple_example_last_modified
		Turns on or off Last-Modified response header.

	Example 1:

	location /simple {

	Example 2:

	location /same {
		simple_example_content "<html><body><h1>Always same content</h1></body></html>"

	Example 3:

	location /foo {
		simple_example_last_modified on;

3) End note
Be aware that this module doesn't check If-Modified-Since request header,
so it will never generate response with HTTP status code 304.