- aleray
- alvaroucGeisinger
- arhpreston@cassyni
- bjvanderweijAmsterdam
- dmzio
- ewhitmireReality Labs Research @ Meta
- foonpcfHong Kong
- hummelriegelMercedes-Benz AG
- jbornscheinUK
- jgsogo@IBM
- ketchKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- LinkidToulouse, France
- lucastheisGoogle
- lukacuViCoS Lab, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- MechanisMMechanisM
- mercutio22Sao Paulo Brazil
- michaellw
- MichaelMaudererEdinburgh
- mick-tHarvard Medical School
- ngehlenborgHarvard Medical School
- nirumBay Area, CA
- olivierverdierMathematician
- proyconKNAW Humanities Cluster & CLST, Radboud University
- raffienficiaudBerlin, Germany
- reduxionist@intelligent-bytes
- renpj
- sseemayer@BASF
- ssociasCassie Innovations, Corp.
- SteveVissinSileco
- stuhlmuellerElicit
- travcunn@qumulo
- twz915Alibaba
- typeshigeSilicon Valley, CA
- vins31Toulouse, France
- willwadeAce Centre /
- xmluHangzhou, China