Implementation of the DDPM + IPA (invariant point attention) for protein generation, as outlined in the paper "Protein Structure and Sequence Generation with Equivariant Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models"
- akshay-chennaChemical Engg, IIT Delhi
- alex-hh
- amrhamedpBasel University
- anar-rzayevEPFL
- AppServiceProviderDhaka, Bangladesh
- basicskywardsNCTU
- BlueKiji77
- clvnmng
- doomxhc
- engelbergerDataRoot
- Fading0924
- fly51flyPRIS
- georgosgeorgosDTU Compute
- gongshuai0606
- HBioquantPeking University
- jx291605427
- Kirito-AusnaZhejiang University
- KruskalLinTexas A&M University
- KyGaoHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- limei0307Texas A&M University
- longlongman
- luwei0917
- MancheryTsinghua University
- meneshailTsinghua University
- rom1504@google
- ShintaroMinamiMonod Bio
- simonsvaerdDenmark
- subhobrata
- SuperXiangSangfor
- swanserquack0.0.0.0
- TruongChienSeoul National University
- wendaoPeking University
- xiwen1995
- xxiexuezhi
- yhwang17
- zhengzx-nlpShanghai, China