Implementation of ChatGPT, but tailored towards primary care medicine, with the reward being able to collect patient histories in a thorough and efficient manner and come up with a reasonable differential diagnosis
- aascode
- aronima7Apple
- artempavlov
- Baran-physOrigins Cluster | TUM
- bobosuiShanghai
- brataoEscavador
- buildcoreNetwork state
- cyrilzakka@huggingface
- eemailme
- ell-holFater AI
- Eurus-HolmesCreatify AI
- fmdmm
- GeeksCapitalGeeks Capital Inc.
- globaleagles
- greptux
- ibro45Mass General Hospital
- jaynewcompute@chalkapp
- jxrjlxc02
- lapnd
- lucidrainsSan Francisco
- nemodleo@PRNDcompany
- tfiusMediaAtlas
- thomas-happify
- upendrarv
- wangxidong06PHD@The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, BA@Beijing Institute of Technology,
- wenbozhangjs
- WuJundeUniversity of Oxford
- zhanghm1995CUHKSZ
- zhjohnchanThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- zirui