This is for Real Time transmission from ROS Topic Data to the Other PC
And this is Based on Ros Package in Autoware, Kavser.
you should Build Autowar_msgs, Autowar_can_msgs First
Move “autoware_can_msgs”,“autoware_msgs” Folders to ~/catkin_ws/src, and Build using $ cd ~/catkin_ws %% catkin_make.
Move “kvaser” Folder to ~/catkin_ws/src, Build in the same way. using $ cd ~/catkin_ws %% catkin_make.
Therefore type commands on the Ubuntu terminal step by step.
$ rosrun kvaser can_tx_to_raw
(ps. You had to connect Kvaser Device and check if your ROS is subscribing /can_tx)
$ rosrun kvaser can_Mobileye_Decoder
$ rosrun kvaser GPS_tude_to_XY
- can_tx_to_raw : this node has a role converting /can_tx(real kvaser data) into /can_raw(important data among these).
- can_Mobileye_Decoder : this node subscribe /can_raw topics and decode available information like Obstacle Number, Obstacle Position, Lane Distance from my vehicle etc.. thereafter Publish /Mobileye_new topic.
- GPS_tude_to_XY : this node subscribe GPS data(latitude/longitude), CAN data(Mobileye/NiroCan), Lidar data(Point cloud data). Calculate using the data so that we get my vehicle&obstacle information and XY-coordinate which we can utilize on Uc-win Road.