This is my personal NixOS configuration for my desktops and servers.
I do not recommend anyone to use it since it is heavily personalised to my needs. However, the reason I share this repository is to simplify my deployments and allow others, especially new NixOS users, to explore different config structures to choose the best of all worlds.
After restructuring my config over and over again, I came up with the following structure, which works very well for me at the moment:
├── docs
│ └── documentation-related files, e.g. screenshots, ...
├── dots
│ └── dotfiles, e.g. Neovim, ghostty, ...
├── home
│ ├── desktop
│ │ └── home-manager config for desktop hosts
│ ├── headless
│ │ └── home-manager config for non-desktop hosts, e.g. servers
│ └── shared config for both desktop and headless hosts
├── hosts
│ ├── desktops
│ │ ├── orion
│ │ │ └── NixOS config for the Orion desktop host
│ │ ├── vega
│ │ │ └── NixOS config for the Vega desktop host
│ │ └── shared config for all desktop hosts
│ ├── servers
│ │ ├── sirius
│ │ │ └── NixOS config for the Sirius server host
│ │ └── shared config for all server hosts
│ └── shared config for both desktop and server hosts
├── modules
│ └── NixOS modules for various services and apps
├── scripts
│ └── useful scripts
├── secrets
│ └── sops secret files
├── wallpapers
│ └── wallpapers used by desktop hosts
This configuration takes advantage of some other repositories and projects, including: