MultiAgentDecisionProcess (MADP) is a toolbox for scientific research in decision-theoretic planning and learning in multiagent systems. It is designed to be rather general, but most effort has been put in planning algorithms for discrete Dec-POMDPs.
Comments, bug reports, patches, etc, are welcome. A mailinglist is available at
- Frans Oliehoek,
- Matthijs Spaan,
- Bas Terwijn,
- João Messias,
- Philipp Robbel
Please refer to the file AUTHORS for contact information and current affiliations. MADP includes other software, for details see COPYING.
Required software (as Debian package names)
MADP includes all required software, although for OSX argp-standalone needs to be installed.
Optional software:
- Doxygen (doxygen) [for generating documentation]
- Graphviz (graphviz) [for dependency graphs in the generated documentation]
- lp-solve (liblpsolve55-dev) [for POMDP vector pruning]
- GMPlib (libgmp3-dev) [for using arbitrary-length integers as indices]
- libxml2 (libxml2-dev) [for using the XML-based factored model parser]
- Cuda [for policy iteration with GPU policy evaluation]
- cplex [for the DP-LPC solver]
For enabling optional software, see src/Makefile.custom and src/include/configuration.h.
Documentation and Installation Instructions
See doc/MADPToolbox-0.XXX.pdf
, which also includes detailed
installation instructions.
To (re)generate API documentation from source, run:
make htmldoc
Open doc/html/index.html
in a webbrowser
To compile, execute the following
Problem descriptions can be loaded without specifying a path if
is a symlink to the problems subdir in the MADP tree.
Similarly, results are saved in (subdirs of) ~/.madp/results
, so it will
be convenient to make a symlink to the desired results locations.
This can be accomplished as follows:
mkdir ~/.madp
cd ~/.madp
ln -s ~/<PATHTOMADP>/problems
ln -s ~/<PATHTOMADP>/results
Please see the AUTHORS file.