App for generating QR codes with GitHub logo and export to SVG/PNG/JPEG/WEBP format
- abdullah-al-tamim
- ascodeasiceTaiwan
- Askash1234567890
- constoner
- eburakovaBremen, DE
- giwlangjs
- h8machineCompass.UOL
- hoesungryuCognitive System Lab., Artificial Intelligence Department, Korea Univ.
- JoaquinDillen2Ai - Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- jonahcullenUniversity of Minnesota
- Karim-53IDIADA GmbH, Porsche AG
- krjeoCalgary, AB, Canada
- liubovchDKFZ
- mythterUkraine
- peiyao-w
- ppx-hubInstitute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science
- Regulus0811@MIC株式会社
- SaeByeolMun
- Seidenki
- simchadSungkyunkwan University
- xdFai
- YUAN-666-LIU
- yuefan98Seattle