
CraigslistLikeSite project for Object-Oriented Analysis and Design course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A CraigsList-Like Site

- A Course Project for CSCI5448 (Object-Oriented Analysis & Design)

Team Members:

Xueyan Wu, Yihua Shi


A simplified, classified advertisements website like Craigslist with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, items wanted and for sale. Provides conveniency just as the classic Craigslist but has a modern interface design. Users can create their accounts and post their need or items to be shared.

Deployed on Apache Tomcat server with Eclipse.


  • User can create an account
  • User can sign in / out
  • User can view published posts without login
  • Login is required for user to create posts
  • User can view the history of his post in user dashboard
  • User can contact owner / dealer through email with the “Reply” button

Interfaces: [For medium/large screen devices]

  • Homepage:


  • Homepage (w/ expanded menu):


  • Sign In/Up page (w/ sign-in box shown):

Sign In

  • Sign In/Up page (w/ sign-up box shown):

Sign Up

  • Create a post for items wanted:

Create Post

  • Post Preview before published:

Post Preview

  • User Dashboard:

User Dashboard

  • List View for Published Posts:

List View for Published Posts

  • Single Post View for Published Posts:

Published View

[For mobile devices]

  • Homepage:

Homepage - mobile

  • List View for Published Posts:

Published Posts List - mobile