
ROS node for real-time FCNN depth reconstruction

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Real-time Vision-based Depth Reconstruction with NVidia Jetson for Monocular SLAM

ROS node for real-time FCNN-based depth reconstruction (as in paper). The platforms are NVidia Jetson TX2 and x86_64 PC with GNU/Linux (aarch64 should work as well, but not tested).


If you use this work in an academic context, please cite the following publication(s):

  author={Bokovoy, A. and Muravyev, K. and Yakovlev, K.},
  title={Real-time vision-based depth reconstruction with NVIDIA jetson},
  journal={2019 European Conference on Mobile Robots, ECMR 2019 - Proceedings},
  document_type={Conference Paper},

System requirements

  • Linux-based system with aarch64 or x86_64 architecture or NVidia Jetson TX2.
  • NVidia graphic card.


  1. ROS Kinetic or higher.
  2. TensorRT 5.0 or higher.
  3. CUDA 9.0 or higher
  5. GStreamer-1.0
  6. glib2.0




Assuming you already have ROS and CUDA related tools installed

  1. Install remaining pre-requesites:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools \ 
       libglew-dev glew-utils libgstreamer1.0-dev \ 
       libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libglib2.0-dev \
$ sudo apt-get install -y libopencv-calib3d-dev libopencv-dev 
  1. Navigate to your catkin workspace and clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/CnnDepth/tx2_fcnn_node.git
$ cd tx2_fcnn_node && git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Build the node:

Navigate to catkin workspace folder.

a) On jetson:

$ catkin_make

b) On x86_64 PC

$ catkin_make --cmake-args -DPATH_TO_TENSORRT_LIB=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \ 
              -DPATH_TO_TENSORRT_INCLUDE=/usr/include -DPATH_TO_CUDNN=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \ 

Change the paths accordingly.

  1. Build the TensorRT engine

Compile engine builder.

$ catkin_make --cmake-args -DBUILD_ENGINE_BUILDER=1

Download UFF model.

$ roscd tx2_fcnn_node
$ mkdir engine && cd engine
$ wget http://pathplanning.ru/public/ECMR-2019/engines/resnet_nonbt_shortcuts_320x240.uff

Compile the engine.

$ rosrun tx2_fcnn_node fcrn_engine_builder --uff=./resnet_nonbt_shortcuts_320x240.uff --uffInput=tf/Placeholder \
  --output=tf/Reshape --height=240 --width=320 --engine=./test_engine.trt --fp16
  1. Run:
$ roslaunch tx2_fcnn_node cnn_only.launch

or with RTAB-MAP

$ roslaunch tx2_fcnn_node rtabmap_cnn.launch

Run in a container

  1. Build image:
$ cd docker
$ docker build . -t rt-ros-docker
  1. Run an image:
$ nvidia-docker run -device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 -it --rm rt-ros-docker
  1. Create ros workspace:
$ mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws/src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
  1. Build tx2_fcnn_node:
$ cd src
$ git clone https://github.com/CnnDepth/tx2_fcnn_node.git
$ cd tx2_fcnn_node && git submodule update --init --recursive
$ catkin_make
  1. Run the node:
rosrun tx2_fcnn_node tx2_fcnn_node



Reads the images from camera or image topic and computes the depth map.

Subscribed Topics

Published topics


  • input_width (int, default: 320)

    Input image width for TensorRT engine

  • input_height (int, default: 240)

    Input image height for TensorRT engine

  • use_camera (bool, default: true)

    If true - use internal camera as image source. False - use /image topic as input source.

  • camera_mode (int, default: -1)

    Only works if use_camera:=true. Sets camera device to be opened. -1 - default device.

  • camera_link (string, default: "camera_link")

    Name of camera's frame_id.

  • depth_link (string, default: "depth_link")

    Name of depth's frame_id

  • engine_name (string, default: "test_engine.trt")

    Name of the compiled TensorRT engine file, localed in "engine" folder.

  • calib_name (string, default: "tx2_camera_calib.yaml")

    Name of calibration file, obrained with camera_calib node. May be either in .yaml or .ini format.

  • input_name (string, default: "tf/Placeholder")

    Name of the input of TensorRT engine.

  • output_name (string, default: "tf/Reshape")

    Name of the output of TensorRT engine

  • mean_r (float, default: 123.0)

    R channel mean value, used during FCNN training.

  • mean_g (float, default: 115.0)

    G channel mean value, used during FCNN training.

  • mean_b (float, default: 101.0)

    B channel mean value, used during FCNN training.

Sample models

Models pre-trained on NYU Depth v2 dataset are available in http://pathplanning.ru/public/ECMR-2019/engines/. The models are stored in UFF format. They can be converted into TensorRT engines using tensorrt_samples.


Stack smashing

If you run this node on Ubuntu 16.04 or older, the node may fail to start and show Stack smashing detected log message. To fix it, remove XML.* files in Thirdparty/fcrn-inference/jetson-utils directory, and recompile the project.

Inverted image

If you run this node on Jetson, RGB and depth image may be shown inverted. To fix it, open Thirdparty/fcrn-inference/jetson-utils/camera/gstCamera.cpp file in text editor, go to lines 344-348, and change value of flipMethod constant to 0. After editing, recompile the project.