
ROS integration for BIRL modular robot.

Primary LanguageC++

BIRL modular robot

Note: This modular robotic system is developed in BIRL lab and is introded in this paper.


The pre-requisite.sh files will tell you what you need to install before using this repo.

This repo contains :

  • birl_module_canopen : Package for canopen communication with joint modules
  • mr_description : URDF files
  • mr_setup_detect : Use ar_track_alvar to detect setup of a robotic systecm buit with our modules and automatically generate urdf file
  • manipulator5d_moveit_config: Created by moveit_setup_assistant

Quick demo:

$ roslaunch mr_description manipulator5d_display.launch


$ roslauch mr_description climbot5d_display.launch

To communicate with the real robot(e.g. a 5 Dof modular manipulator), try

$ rosrun birl_module_canopen can_prepare.sh # load CAN kernal driver and start monitoring CAN bus
$ roslaunch modular_robot_control manipulator5d_control_gui.launch
$ rosservice call /driver/init

This shold start a position control GUI.

To use Moveit! to do motion planning for the robot to excute:

$ roslaunch manipulator5d_moveit_config manipulator5d_moveit.launch
$ rosservice call /driver/init