
SLAM Resources to follow up current SLAM trends and papers.


Personal page of SLAM Resources to follow up current SLAM trends and papers.

Inspired by Event-based vision resources

Also reference pages are listed on Pages collect resources for SLAM

What I cannot create, I do not understand. - richard feynman

Do the simplest thing that could possibly work

Table of Contents:



  • Homography

  • Fundemental

  • SFM

  • Visual-Inertial Alignment


  • Data Association : How to Define Data Selection, Match, Define Error

    • Direct Dense
    • Direct Sparse
    • Feature (Sparse)
      • Corner Selection
      • Descriptors
    • Feature Match
  • Motion Prior

    • Constant Velocity Model
    • Decaying Velocity Model
    • Using Prev Pose
  • Pose Estimation : How to minimize Error

    • PnP : Perspective N Points
    • Motion Only BA : Coarse-Fine
    • Local BA : Coarse-Fine
      • Sliding Window : Continous N Frame window
      • Topological : Releated Keyframes


  • Map Type

  • Map Generation

Global Consistency

  • Relocalization

  • Pose Graph Optimization : Loop Closure

  • Place Recognition

Probabilistic Graphical Models

  • Factor Graph

Sensor Models

Camera Models & Undistorttion Models

IMU Models

  • Noise Model

  • IMU Propagation

  • IMU Preintegration


Geometric Calibration : Reprojection Error

Photometric Calibration

Visual-Inertial Calibration : Reprojection Error + Extrinsic of Camera-IMU

Visual-Lidar Calibration :

Lidar-IMU Calibration

IMU Calibration - Not sure...

Survey or Tutorial papers for slam users

Papers : ordered by year but not strictly ordered, not fully collected.

Deep SLAM : Depth Estimation, Pose Estimation, Feature Matching, Backend etc... What ever use Deep Neural Network

Semantic SLAM, Object-level, Using Semantic Information


Datasets and Simulators

Workshops & Tutorials


resource pages that I refer to create this slam list pages

Toolkits and Libraries for SLAM

Computer Vision


Optimization Solver

3D Data Processing




Visualize GN-Optimization

Visualize Pose & 3D Map

Visualize Tracking