
Filter Subtitles to remove SDH entries

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPI version

Filter .srt subtitle files to remove SDH (Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing) entries and other tags.


pip install subtitle-filter


subtitle-filter can be used either as a script or a module.

By default, this module filters the following (in order):

  1. Removes font tags and text contained within, e.g. <font color="#DF01D7">Hey\</font> is removed.
  2. Removes subtitle entries containing only asterisks: *.
  3. Removes subtitle lines containing or #.
  4. Removes sound effects: text contained with and including parenthesis (BANG), asterisks *whisper*, brackets [boom], and text contained within forward slashes /POW/.
  5. Replaces names with dashes, e.g. GARY: Hey or Gary: Hey to - Hey.
  6. Removes author tags e.g. XoXo Subtitles by PwnedDude967 XoXo.
  7. Fixes erroneous comma spacing, e.g. Hey , what's up? Nothing,my man to Hey, what's up? Nothing, my man.
  8. Removes lone symbols such as ?, -, #, _.
  9. Remove leading dashes - if there is only one line present.

Script Usage

Bring up the help display:

filter-subtitles.py -h

Filter a subtitle in place (overwrites original subtitle) with default options.

filter-subtitles.py -s /path/to/sub.srt

Instead of saving to disk, print the output.

filter-subtitles.py -s /path/to/sub.srt -p

Save the output to a different filepath.

filter-subtitles.py -s /path/to/sub.srt -o /path/to/outsub.srt

Custom filter flags.

--keep-fonts          Do not remove font tags and text contained within.
--keep-ast            Do not remove subtitles containing asterisks: (*).
--keep-music          Do not lines containing 1 or more "♪" symbols.
--keep-effects        Do not remove text between and including parenthesis
                        () or brackets []
--keep-names          Do not replace names in CAPITALS with "-" tags
--keep-author         Do not remove author tags, eg. Subtitles by some guy.
--keep-lone-dashes    Do not remove the dash if only one dashed line is present.
--keep-commas         Do not fix comma spacings.

Module Usage

Filter a subtitle in place (overwrites original subtitle) with default options

from subtitle_filter import Subtitles

subs = Subtitles('/path/to/sub.srt')

Instead of saving to disk, print the output.


Save the output to a different filepath.


Use custom filter flags.


Issues & Requests

If you spot any issues with the filtered subtitles, or would like to request new features, please create an issue on GitHub and provide examples.