
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

#OpenCV Samples in ROS(Noetic) with Python3

How to prepare

$ cd  
$ git clone https://github.com/m-shimizu/Samples_OpenCV_ROS  
$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-usb-cam ros-noetic-libuvc-camera libzbar-dev python3-pip  
$ pip install pyzbar pillow  
$ cd Samples_OpenCV_ROS  
$ catkin_make  
$ source devel/setup.bash  
$ roslaunch my_opencv  optical_flow.launch  

Prepare an image file of your face for detecting face demo

Create an image file including your face as "SampleFace.png" under ~/Samples_OpenCV_ROS/src/my_opencv/images.

Program descriptions

  • Nodes
Name Description Language
optical_flow Tracking moving objects C++
image_binary.py Binarization Python
image_binaryS.py Binarization with a slider Python
image_Faces.py Detecting faces Python
image_pub.py Publishing an image topic from an image file Python
image_QR.py Detecting QR and Bar codes Python
image_resizeS.py Resizing an image with sliders Python
image_X.py A template file Python
  • Launch files(Samples for using above nodes)
Name Description
optical_flow.launch Start uvc_camera and optical_flow
start-image_pub-and-image_Faces.launch Start image_pub, image_Faces, rqt_image_view
start-image_pub-and-image_QR.launch Start image_pub, image_QR, rqt_image_view
start-image_pub.launch Start image_pub
start-usb_cam-and-image_binaryS.launch Start usb_cam, image_binaryS, rqt_image_view

A sample for creating a new package working with OpenCV

  • catkin_create_pkg options:

    $ catkin_create_pkg my_opencv cv_bridge image_transport rospy roscpp sensor_msgs std_msgs

  • CMakeLists.txt options:

    find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
    target_link_libraries(BINARY_NAME ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} )


EDITED: 26.Jul.2022