
An I Wanna Be The Guy fangame with a big avoidance boss and some needle platforming.

Primary LanguageGame Maker Language

This is an I Wanna Be the Guy fangame made by MoleTrooper, based on I Wanna Be the 
Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition v1.50. It contains two needle stages of 7 rooms each,
the second one being a harder remix of the first, and an avoidance boss.
The first needle stage and the boss are the "normal mode" of the game.
Clearing the boss without getting hit and the second needle stage unlocked
thereafter form an additional "hard mode".

If you experience performance problems on the avoidance, try disabling particle
effects in the options menu.

All music in the game is made by DuttonsaysHi - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPHbhkTB1c-yWqP3Si38lbA
Stage 1 / menu: The Typhon System - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENJjXJDURqQ
Boss: Beautiful Chaos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qIam-gwPn8
Stage 2: B055 Mode - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVMcjIGYT2g

Special thanks to Wolfiexe and CakeSauc3 for testing and feedback, as well as
the entire WannaVis community for being generally awesome.

Discord: MoleTrooper#6910
Twitter: @moletrooper