
Explore 6D pose estimation's frontier using functional mapping. Extend pose estimation to unseen object categories through globally-informed correspondences, achieved by learned functional mapping.

Primary LanguagePython

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Welcome to the forefront of exploration in 6D pose estimation. This project ventures into uncharted territory, delving into the realm of functional mapping to expand the boundaries of 6D pose estimation across previously unseen object categories. The project's nucleus lies in constructing globally-informed correspondences using learned functional mapping, with a grand objective of enabling the estimation of 6D poses for entirely novel objects and categories. This trailblazing approach aims to redefine the benchmarks of 6D pose estimation, ushering in an era of heightened precision and adaptability that transcends conventional constraints.


Before running the script, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • PyTorch
  • TensorBoard logging
  • Open3D
  • Other dependencies as listed in the requirements file

You can install the required dependencies using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, you can employ the provided conda environment.yaml file to install the dependencies using:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Cloning the Repo

Clone the repo using the following command:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/m13ammed/6D-Pose-Estimation-for-Unseen-Categories

Generating Cache for the datasets

Efficient caching of laplacian estimates for both CAD models and back-projected depth images is paramount for expedited performance. Generate this cache by running the following command:

cd scripts && python generate_cache.py

Customize the caching specifics within the config/cache_gen.gin file according to your needs. For further insights into available options, refer to the README within the config folder.


Use the following command to start the training:

cd scripts && python train.py

The training process incorporates tensorboard logs for monitoring. Leverage the configuration file config/dpfm_orig.gin to fine-tune settings. This script seamlessly accommodates training with single or multiple datasets, offering options for both naive and spatial consistency filtering when mapping functional mappings to point correspondences.

A vital note: Within the caching directory (cache_dir/dataset_name/split), a /mapping_list.npz file is generated for accelerated loading. Be careful when transitioning from training to evaluation scripts with the same dataset; ensure that the mapping list is removed.

Corrrespondce Evaluation

Use the following command to start the evauation:

cd scripts && python eval.py

The evaluation process hinges on settings specified in the config/dpfm_orig.gin configuration file. Be sure to peruse the README within the config folder for detailed insights into available options. When transitioning from training to evaluation scripts with the same dataset, ensure the mapping list is cleared. The config file also offers the choice to export results as .pt files, which are pivotal for subsequent pose estimation steps.

Pose Estimation using RANSAC

Use the following command to generate the results:

cd scripts && python test_RANSAC.py <path to the generated .pt results folder> <path to where to save the final results>

Pose Estimation using TEASER++

First you need to install the python bindings:

sudo apt install cmake libeigen3-dev libboost-all-dev
cd TEASER-plusplus && mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DTEASERPP_PYTHON_VERSION=<YOUR_PYTHON_VERSION> .. && make teaserpp_python
cd python && pip install .

Now use the following command to generate the results:

cd scripts && python test_teaser_.py <path to the generated .pt results folder> <path to where to save the final results>


We additionally provide functions for visualizations in the scripts/visualization.py file: (Note: requires desktop env by the visualizer)


draw_basis(verts, faces, evecs, output="mesh_basis.png", evecs_selection=range(25,30), crop=[0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0])

point cloud:

draw_basis(verts, None, evecs, output="cloud_basis.png", evecs_selection=range(25,30), crop=[0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0])

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draw_features(CAD, PC, Obj, C_pred[0], overlap_score12, overlap_score21, use_feat1[0], use_feat2[0], offset=[0,-18,0]) #assume input has no batch dim

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draw_correspondence(p_pred, Obj, offset=None, raw_CAD_down_sample=10000, models_path=None)

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We would like the authors of the followig repos as our repo benifited from them:


