
JSON dataset creation: 2024 World of Open Source: Global Spotlight

Primary LanguagePython

Convert XLSX dataset into JSON (2024 World of Open Source: Global Spotlight)


  • Want to analyze open source dynamism in more sophisticated way than Excel
  • Want to analyze focusing on Japan

About dataset

Procedure as a whole

1. Manual modification

Too sad, some "hand work" is necessary because question's header(line 1-3 of xlsx file) are different about depth/layers. So you need modify header line 2 with line 3 info for Q30,31,32,38,42,43,47.

Example: (in Q30 case); The line 2 item

"How often does using OSS deliver the following benefits in your organization? (select one response per row)"

is modified with the line 3 item to;

"How often does using OSS deliver the following benefits in your organization? (select one response per row):Improved software quality"

then you save the file as "input_files/input.csv"

2. Run script "run_pipeline.py"

Just run it.

3. Register datasets into Opensearch/Elasticsearch


curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" -XPOST localhost:9200/index_name/_bulk?pretty --data-binary @output_1l_bulk.json

4. Configure and analyze

Configure settings and do analyze on Opensearch Dashboard/Kibana


  • run_pipeline.py : Main and run following scripts and shell commands.(bash)

  • step1.py: modified csv file extracted from original excel.

  *In: input_files/input.csv
  *Out: output_files/output_step1.csv
  • step2.py: change timestamp into ISO formats (from 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' to 'yyyy-MM-ddT HH:mm:ss'
  *In: output_files/output_step1.csv
  *Out: output_files/output_step2.csv
  • step3.py: convert csv into json
  *In: output_files/output_step2.csv
  *Out: output_files/output_step3.json
  • cmd1: extract each data object from array (cat *In* |jq -c .[] > *Out*)
  *In: output_files/output_step3.json
  *Out: output_files/output_per_line.json
  • cmd2: Change json to register Opensearch/Elasticsearch and use Bulk API(sed 'i\{ "index" : {} \} *In*' > *Out* )
  *In: output_files/output_per_line.json
  *Out: output_files/output_bulk.json


├── scripts/
│   ├── step1.py
│   ├── step2.py
│   ├── step3.py
│   └── run_pipeline.py
├── input_files/
│   └── input.csv
├── output_files/
│   └── output*.*
└── README.md

My environments

  • Ubuntu 22.04LTS
  • Python 3.11.0
  • bash : 5.1.16


  • Unlicense