This is Japanese Translation of "CNCF Annual Report 2021". And this is also one of collabolative translation efforts, and also "volunteer-base" translation.
Note: The pdf file in "PDF_final" folder IS NOT released version (almost though). the pdf here was reviewed by LF Japan and released here.
@maabou512 (me) @atoato88
The Linux Foundation Japan
Original PDF publcly released by CNCF -
CNCF AR_01.indd
Original InDesign File ( not to be edited) -
CNCF AR_01_jp.indd
InDesign Japanese Translation file (to be edited), which was generated from IDML file via Rainbow conversion and OmegaT translation. -
PDF_Final ( Pre-release)
Final PDF file ( but released file is not this. see the note above) -
The folder in which omegaT translation memory related files, etc. and XLIFF files generated from Rainbow -
Some sentences in the report are not "text data",but image data(.ai/.svg) . They cannot be translated directly, so we scoped out fo translation so far.
"How translation works can be more effective, efficient and ENJOYABLE in COLLABORATIVE manner? " This is a big challenge about translation, and is also a notion that native authors don't care. Our effortrs focus on this. And this output here is also a a case study of such such efforts, based on a process like below.