Simply download the repository and in repo dir run make
Game can be started with
This starts game with default settings (Two Minimax AIs against each other)
Change settings with flags.
$ ./pawnrace -h
You can choose between multiple types of players: Human player, AI Player and Random player. To choose which type of player will play for each side use flags -w
for white player and -b
for black player followed by name of player (human, ai, random).
Example: Run game with Human as white and AI as black
$ ./pawnrace -w human -b ai
Default value for thinking time for AI is 5s.
To change the amount of time for AI to think use flag --ai-timeout_
followed by number of milliseconds.
Example: Run game with Human as white and AI as black with thinking time for AI 8s
$ ./pawnrace -w human -b ai --ai-timeout 8000
To run benchmark mode use --benchmark
In benchmark mode first two moves by each side are made by Random Player and then by Player
To specify number of thread that will be used to simulate the games use --n-threads
followed by number of threads. Default value is 1.
Example: Run benchmark of two AIs with 50 games and 8 threads
$ ./pawnrace -w ai -b ai -n 50 --n-threads 8 --benchmark
During benchmark you may want to start every second game with black player (to make it fair).
To do this use -s
Example: Run benchmark of two AIs with 50 games and 8 threads and switch starting player every second game
$ ./pawnrace -w ai -b ai -n 50 --n-threads 8 --benchmark -s
When playing as human simply enter 4 characters (letter-number-letter-number) of source and destination tile you are moving. Example: move pawn from tile D2 to tile D3
Your move: d2d3
This project uses to parse command line arguments.