
An import tool for importing tables from excel or spreadsheet to generate a database.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

MasterTools - Table importer for Unity

Release openupm

Created by Hiroya Aramaki (Makihiro)

What is MasterTools?

MasterTools is a table importer for Unity that allows you to import tables from Excel files and generate master data.

This library is a middle layer tool, extended by default with MessagePack, MasterMemory, NPOI. These dependencies can be replaced by your extensions.

ImportTableFrom attribute is used to specify the table to import. By assigning this attribute to a data type, the type can be marked as the target for importing the table by MasterTools.

In the following example, β€œroot path + Quest” is used as the path to import the table of QuestMasterData. The root path can be set in the import options.

using UnityEditor;
using MessagePack;
using MackySoft.MasterTools;

public sealed class QuestMasterData
    public int Id { get; private set; }

    public string Name { get; private set; }

    public QuestMasterData(int Id, string Name)
        this.Id = Id;
        this.Name = Name;

Next, the MasterTools importer must be set up. Basically, the import pipeline can be set up by initializing MasterToolsImporter.DefaultOptions. In the following code, the MasterToolsImporter is initialized during the initialization of the Unity editor.

using UnityEditor;
using MessagePack;
using MessagePack.Resolvers;
using MackySoft.MasterTools;
using MackySoft.MasterTools.Example.MasterData;
using MackySoft.MasterTools.Example.MasterData.Resolvers;

public static class MasterToolsInitializer
    static void Initialize ()
        MasterToolsImporter.DefaultOptions = new MasterToolsOptions
            DefaultOutputDirectoryPath = "Example/MasterData",
            TablesDirectoryPath = "../../MasterData",
            DefaultSheetName = "Main",
            Processor = MasterBuilderProcessor.Create(ctx =>
                    // Initialize MessagePack
                    var options = MessagePackSerializerOptions.Standard.WithResolver(StaticCompositeResolver.Instance);
                    MessagePackSerializer.DefaultOptions = options;
                    // Catch and forget.

                return new MasterMemoryDatabaseBuilder("database", new DatabaseBuilder(), x => new MemoryDatabase(x).Validate());
            TableReader = new XlsxTableReader(),
            JsonDeserializer = new MessagePackJsonDeserializer(),

In this example, the import pipeline is as follows

The MasterMemory database is generated by searching for tables in the ../../MasterData directory, relative to Application.dataPath (which corresponds to the Assets/ directory), and outputting the data to Example/MasterData directory.

If the MasterToolsImporter.DefaultOptions is set, the import process can be executed from the Tools/Master Tools/Import (with default options) menu in the Unity editor.

Alternatively, import can also be performed by using the MasterToolsImporter.ImportWithDefaultOptions or MasterToolsImporter.Import functions.

void MasterToolsImporter.ImportWithDefaultOptions();
void MasterToolsImporter.Import(MasterToolsOptions options);

Install dependencies

MasterTools depends on the following packages by default. If you do not customize the MasterTools import pipeline, please install the following packages first.

MessagePack and MasterMemory

Download the MessagePack and MasterMemory unitypackages from the releases page and install them in your project.


Since NPOI is distributed via NuGet, NuGetForUnity must be installed first. In PackageManager, select Add package from git URL and enter the following URL.


after installing NuGetForUnity, search for and install NPOI.

Install MasterTools via PackageManager

After installing the required dependencies, install MasterTools by selecting Add package from git URL in PackageManager and entering the following URL.


Install MasterTools via .unitypackage

If you do not need any of the above either dependencies, you will need to remove the unwanted integration. In this case, installing via unitypackage is recommended.

Releases: https://github.com/mackysoft/MasterTools/releases

I welcome feature requests and bug reports in issues and pull requests.

If you feel that my works are worthwhile, I would greatly appreciate it if you could sponsor me. Private sponsor and one-time donate are also welcome.

GitHub Sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/mackysoft

Hiroya Aramaki is a indie game developer in Japan.

This library is under the MIT License.