
Issues for Madrona Labs VST/AU plugins.


No code here, just issues! To see the current list, click "Issues" above.

This is the list of outstanding issues for shipping Madrona Labs VST/AU plugins. An issue is something about the software that needs to be fixed. Often this means a bug in the code, however it could also be missing or incorrect documentation, a request for changing a feature, or a need for some other task to be accomplished.

Recent releases of plugins:

// Aaltoverb 2.0.3
June 13, 2022
Fixed license key paste issue with accents and non-Roman characters.

// Aaltoverb 2.0.2
June 2, 2022
Switched to packaging as a separate "Aaltoverb 2".
Fixed a rare crash loading vector image assets.
Fixed editor loading in VCV Rack.

// Aaltoverb 2.0.1
// May 6, 2022
Fixed issue creating license file.

// Aaltoverb 2.0.0b5(rc1)
// April 28, 2002
Prevented blowups when using square wave size modulation.
Removed "ghost" Popup drawing.
Fixed double-click on main dials with Popups.

// Aaltoverb 2.0.0b4 
// April 23, 2002
Fixed drawing issue when repeatedly launching Popups.
Fixed crash on delete in VCVRack Host.
Optimized for CPU use.

// Aaltoverb 2.0.0b3 
// April 12, 2002
Added square wave to LFOs.
Removed 2/3 swing ratio to work around swing issue for now.
Fixed parameter names.
Fixed number readouts reporting "nan."
Added right-click (control+click on Mac) to open the popup.
Added ability to click-and-drag past screen edges.
Fixed mousewheel scaling on Windows. 
Fixed scroll direction with "natural scrolling" off on Mac OS
Fixed MIDI learn for Audio Units version.
Reduced demo wave noise volume.

// Aaltoverb 2.0.0b1 
// Feb 24, 2002
Added Apple Silicon compatibility.
Added MIDI learn for all dials.
Added LFOs for four main dials.
Added named patch storage.
Added main menu patch browser.
Added example patches.
Improved type design.