- 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
Sequencer UI: 1st Pulse
#22 opened by madronalabs - 1
Aaltoverb: crash on close in MacOS Sonoma
#41 opened by madronalabs - 0
Kaivo drops audio in Entonal VST in FL Studio
#40 opened by madronalabs - 1
- 1
Aalto: Sequencer fails to start running
#37 opened by madronalabs - 2
- 2
SUMU filter type incorrectly recalled in presets
#38 opened by p1afff - 1
- 0
- 3
2022-level tuning features.
#34 opened by Andreya-Autumn - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 2
Kaivo crashes in file browser
#30 opened by modularev - 3
Aaltoverb 2: Does not show up in Live's Plug-ins Folder for AU (works for VST3)
#28 opened by wellsoliver - 1
Aalto: iPad/iOS version
#27 opened by jipumarino - 0
cannot modulate Env 2 repeat when off
#24 opened by madronalabs - 0
- 0
Voice stealing problems with legato, MPE mode
#21 opened by madronalabs - 0
restore delete key to delete patch cables
#20 opened by madronalabs - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Virta / Max parameter issue
#16 opened by madronalabs - 0
Aalto Bug in Plogue Bidule
#15 opened by madronalabs - 0
- 1
- 1
TODO: add no-distraction option.
#9 opened by madronalabs - 4
Crash in VCV Rack/host module
#1 opened by nay-seven - 2
mashing "open-popup" leaves traces
#12 opened by madronalabs - 2
Not recognized in Usine Hollyhock
#11 opened by nay-seven - 1
- 5
MIDI Learn in some daw's
#2 opened by nay-seven - 1
- 1
sync is "swung" at 2/3 ratio
#10 opened by madronalabs - 1
LFO sync ratio not working in Bitwig
#7 opened by madronalabs - 3
- 1
click and drag stops at screen edges
#5 opened by madronalabs - 1