Pinned Repositories
This code is designed to extract a representative curve (or a thin center line) from a noisy 3D point cloud, especially when the point cloud has discernible geometric patterns. Given a noisy point cloud that has an inherent structure or shape, the goal is to identify and trace a continuous curve that best captures the essence of that shape.
Design and build an aerocraft / spaceship in 2017
This project is my final year capstone project - A self-navigating robot for search and rescue. We build a robot in ROS and integrate several functions: self-navigation, object detection and tracking, and an Arduino board to grab simple objects. The final demostration video is shown here:
ROS Wrapper for JY901 (python version). Acceleration, Gyro and Angle are packed and published as imu msgs. Visualization provided in launch and can be used for testing directly.
Provide a convenient way to roughly position UR by moving it in a user defined cubic workspace.
URX python user command notes and added-on function for record pose velocity
This project plans the welding layers, sequence, as well as all welding points (with pose in 2d) for V-shape groove.
Robotic sealing with visual feedback control and gesture based HRI
Robotic Welding Path Planning demo on various workpiece. Support multilayer planning for V shape groove.
A handy device for controlling Universal Robot. It outputs both position and orientation information. Some possible applications are provided.
maggielovedd's Repositories
This project is my final year capstone project - A self-navigating robot for search and rescue. We build a robot in ROS and integrate several functions: self-navigation, object detection and tracking, and an Arduino board to grab simple objects. The final demostration video is shown here:
This code is designed to extract a representative curve (or a thin center line) from a noisy 3D point cloud, especially when the point cloud has discernible geometric patterns. Given a noisy point cloud that has an inherent structure or shape, the goal is to identify and trace a continuous curve that best captures the essence of that shape.
ROS Wrapper for JY901 (python version). Acceleration, Gyro and Angle are packed and published as imu msgs. Visualization provided in launch and can be used for testing directly.
Provide a convenient way to roughly position UR by moving it in a user defined cubic workspace.
URX python user command notes and added-on function for record pose velocity
Design and build an aerocraft / spaceship in 2017
Kalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook. Focuses on building intuition and experience, not formal proofs. Includes Kalman filters,extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filters, particle filters, and more. All exercises include solutions.