- 8
"BUG: Missing Headers" Error Not Triggering Callbacks in Asynchronous Requests
#166 opened by KarimAziev - 2
Crashes if url-privacy-level is 'paranoid
#63 opened by DamienCassou - 7
Question: simple method to get notifications
#75 opened by seagle0128 - 5
Error in ghub-get
#162 opened by seagle0128 - 2
ghub--token: Required Github token does not exist
#161 opened by mrcnski - 2
Does treepy go up to 0.1.2?
#160 opened by dickmao - 17
HTTP Error: 502, "Bad gateway", "/graphql"
#83 opened by nicklan - 2
No longer builds with `package-build` from master
#156 opened by tadfisher - 192
error "BUG: missing headers nil"
#81 opened by fkhodkov - 2
Unable to download issues from Gitlab
#155 opened by nbarrientos - 3
Unable to use regenerated GitHub token
#153 opened by shindere - 1
Dead link to Gitlab Tokens in documentation
#147 opened by artpelling - 15
- 1
- 33
Always asking for username and token when using authinfo.gpg with 2-way authentication
#122 opened by DrWaleedAYousef - 11
The token wizard will break in November
#113 opened by shackra - 4
error in process filter: BUG: missing headers
#120 opened by otavioschwanck - 0
Documentation typo in section "2.2.4 Setting your Username for Other Hosts and/or Forges"
#116 opened by DrChr - 1
- 8
400 Bad Request with Gitlab
#98 opened by webframp - 10
Prompted for 2FA code, yet get error "Must specify two-factor authentication OTP code"
#104 opened by Kazark - 1
Search for ghub credentials is for the wrong user
#114 opened by nrnrnr - 5
Importance of username case for API authinfo retrieval
#111 opened by zaeph - 1
Problems using manual token
#106 opened by sebbacon - 1
[FEATURE REQUEST] kanban boards into emacs?
#107 opened by vanangamudi - 1
cannot obtain token while 2FA is enabled in Github
#105 opened by shackra - 2
Allow local username configuration
#103 opened by jtrakk - 4
[Document] broken link in
#100 opened by conao3 - 5
502 Bad Gateway on Gitlab
#87 opened by cpitclaudel - 5
Error installing (via melpa w/r/t forge)
#99 opened by justinabrahms - 1
Unable to enter 2FA code with leading zero
#96 opened by vkurup - 1
Emacs 27 fails to fetch topics and notifications
#94 opened by cole-h - 0
gsexp needs (require 'cl-lib)
#95 opened by slyrus - 13
- 1
Support unpaginating when using aliases
#86 opened by tarsius - 2
error "Version must be a string"
#91 opened by seagle0128 - 7
Discussion from #81
#84 opened by vermiculus - 1
"bad gateway" when talking to github
#82 opened by titaniumbones - 4
- 2
Requerimientos sitio vida con sentido
#80 opened by evyramirez - 0
- 14
Auth failure - token is nil
#72 opened by d12frosted - 3
#76 opened by YoungFrog - 12
- 1
Accessing bitbucket private repos
#70 opened by pdixon - 21
Unable to install magit due to ghub->graphql?
#69 opened by joecox - 3
- 2
- 1
- 2
Encoding issue on Emacs 27
#58 opened by aaronjensen