
This is a repository that contains information and code specific to various experiments done using the TimeDelNetSim and other frameworks.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Experiment Repository User Guide

Folder Structure

There are 3 Kinds of Folders

  1. Experiment Folders
  2. Intermediate Folders
  3. Submodule Folders

The root directory is a special type of Intermediate Folder.

Experiment Folder

This folder contains all the code relevant to a set of self-contained experi-ments. It also contains a file explog.yml which details the experiments being performed. Further requirements for experiments are detailed below.

Intermediate folder

This folder is a folder that does not contain experiment code, instead, it contains directories that are either experiment directories, intermediate directories, or submodule directories.

Submodule Directory

A submodule directory is basically a directory that contains the git repo-sitory for a submodule necessary for the simulations. They are centrally stored under the <TopLevelDir>/Submodules directory.

Folder Details

Each of the above directories have the following requirements.

For Every Experiment/Intermediate Folder (Except Top)

In each folder, There will exist a file folderinfo.yml which will be of the following format:

ID          : <The Unique ID (as 32-bit hex string) assigned>
ParentID    : <The Unique ID (as 32-bit hex string) assigned to Parent Folder>
Title       : <The Title (Indicates Purpose of Folder)>
Description : |
  Detailed Description 
  (Markdown from Level-3 Header Onwards)

For Intermediate Folders Except Top

There is to be no file except the above mentioned FolderDetails.yml in any Intermediate Directory

In Every Experiment Folder

In Every Experiment Folder, there must, in addition, also exist a file explog.yml of the following format

ExpFolderID: <The Unique 32-bit ID of the Experiment Folder>
NumberofEntries: <The number of experiment entities stored>
- ID          : <The Unique 32-bit ID assigned to Current Experiment>
  Title       : <Title Describing Experiment>
  Description : |
    The Detailed description of the experiment,
    including any special instructions apart from the
    setup script. This is to be written in Markdown 
    (level-3 header onwards).
    Roughly break it down into 4 Steps
    1. Procedure
    2. Observations
    3. Inference
    4. Future Work

- ID          :
  Title       :
  Description :
  # And So On
  # ...

Management Files


This is a simple file containing the following data used by the RSA algorithm to encode and decode the unique ID into the currently last sequential Number.


This is the central YAML file that keeps track of all the ID's issued up until this commit. This file will be updated when the Numbers are booked.

ID          : <Unique ID of Item>
ParentID    : <Unique ID of Parent Directory. 0..32 times..0 if Parent is root>
Type        : <One of ('IntermediateDir' 'ExperimentDir' 'Experiment') >
Path        : <Path of the Item. This is iff Type=Directory>


Taking out a new branch.

The below is the procedure of forming a branch to work on some experiment(s).

  1. Book your directories and experimentsd with the master branch. This is done as follows:

    1. From the latest commit of the submodule RepoManagement, book the commits, and perform a fast-forward only merge to origin/master. If this works then the numbers have been booked.

    2. Create all subdirectories along with at least a skeleton of the FolderDetails.yml file (i.e. containing the ID and ParentID).

    3. Create Entries in the explog.yml file (if any experiments are booked). The entries must at least contain their ID's mentioned

    4. Steps 2 and 3 can be done via the RepoManagement scripts

    hopefully, at-least steps 1-3 can be automated using python.

  2. Record your experiment along with setup instructions.

  3. Before committing, run the validation script of RepoManagement. If it returns all ok, then commit the changes. This commit should not face any merge conflicts


  1. Booking ID's is kept in a separate submodule in order to decouple the process from the branching of the experiment repository. The Repo Management is a CVS designed to provide unambiguous booking numbers to the different people working on different experiments.

  2. In the event that one wants to create a separate branch and not share documentation (secret experiments for e.g.), the framework allows you to maintain a separate branch in the Experiment repository having unique ID's booked in the Repo Management submodule without having to merge the branch with the master branch.

  3. In the event that one wishes to add a submodule, we'll think about that later.

Deleting records

A Deleted record basically means that a given record is deleted from the table in EntityData.yml. In case this entity is a directory, all the children and descendents will have their entries deleted. In this case, it basically means that the given directory no longer exists. However, unless the directory is explicitly deleted, this doesnt do much except leave the directory and its contents unaccounted for.

Deleting a directory is serious business. It is not an operation that can be undone except by going back in history. But even in this case, it will become impossible if the ID's that were deleted are overwritten. Hence, we make the overwriting of ID's impossible. i.e. once a set of ID's have been booked (i.e. committed to the RepoManagement repository), Any deletion of any of those ID's will leave a permanent 'hole' in the records.

Until the booking is confirmed (via a successful feed-forward commit), any directory may be unbooked (in which case, all the ID's will be changed so that ID's are seqential)