
This is a personal git readme consisting of all the knowledge assimilated by me regarding git over the course of my project work. Meant for brushup in case i forget later



Branch related

  1. Create Branch -

     git branch <BranchName>
  2. Push branch for the first time

     git push -u origin <BranchName>
  3. Push branch to another repo

     git push <Url/Remote> [+]<LocalBranchName>:<RemoteBranchName>

    the optional + sign is in order to force the push even if it is not fast-forward

Merge Related

  1. Merge Branches -

    In order to merge branch Remote into branch Local, we perform the following command

     git checkout <LocalBranchName>
     git merge <RemoteBranchName>
  2. Merge Options -

    1. --no-commit

      This means that the merge will be performed and the results indexed but not committed. This allows one to inspect and test the merge before committing

    2. --squash

      This means that the merge will be performed but all changes in the Remote Branch will be squashed together into a single commit and will not mix up the histories of the Local and Remote branch. However, this also means that the new merge commit will not contain as a parent, the commit of Remote branch that it merged with.