
NodeMCU ESP8266 to Adafruit Motor Shield V1. This is an old motor driver. I couldn't find any esp8266 connection with this motor driver anywhere. I made a connection in this way. I hope I could help. I would be very happy if you help me develop the robot.

Primary LanguageC++

Wifi ESP Robot with 4 motor driver

NodeMCU ESP8266 to Adafruit Motor Shield V1. This is an old motor driver. I couldn't find any esp8266 connection with this motor driver anywhere. I made a connection in this way. I hope I could help. I would be very happy if you help me develop the robot.

command movement -- command movement
F forward B back
L left R right
S Stop

We give the motion with the dataArray string.

dataArray[0] = 39; //Forward

dataArray[1] = 216; //Back

dataArray[2] = 149; //Left

dataArray[3] = 106 ;//Right

You can construct the contents of this string using the table below.

74HC595 Out Bits number motor direction
QC 2 4 M1 clockwise
QD 3 8 M1 counterclockwise
QB 1 2 M2 clockwise
QE 4 16 M2 counterclockwise
QF 5 32 M3 clockwise
QH 7 128 M3 counterclockwise
QA 0 1 M4 clockwise
QG 6 64 M4 counterclockwise

Example: We add the numbers of clockwise rotations so that all engines go forward.

Motor 1 + Motor 2 + Motor 3 + Motor 4 = Calculate
4 + 2 + 32 + 1 = 39

We send the calculated data to the 74HC595 with the following command.

shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, b);

The connection diagram is as follows.


L293D Motor Driver Pin Outs


Adafruit Motor Shield v1 Schematic


74HC595 Pin Outs


Final Robot


