
There are 64 repositories under l293d topic.

  • smartcar_shield


    A versatile and easy to use vehicle platform for hobby-grade projects

  • jmsv/l293d

    Python module to drive DC motors from a Raspberry Pi using the L293D chip

  • bharath5673/ros_ws

    my ROS workspace

  • AravinthPanch/various-hardware-projects

    Collection of various PCB designs and Firmware for prototyping projects

  • wifi-nodemcu-robot-esp8266


    NodeMCU ESP8266 to Adafruit Motor Shield V1. This is an old motor driver. I couldn't find any esp8266 connection with this motor driver anywhere. I made a connection in this way. I hope I could help. I would be very happy if you help me develop the robot.

  • the-vishal/Surveillance-Rover

    A multipurpose Wireless Surveillance Rover an Electronics project made with arduino.

  • jonathanrjpereira/Solar-Tracker

    Single Axis Solar Tracker without Microcontroller

  • mratanusarkar/Obstacle-Avoiding-Bot

    My goal is to come up with a simple and a basic model of an obstacle avoiding bot with the best possible algorithm to detect and avoid an obstacle using only One Ultrasonic Sensor module (HCSR04) and 2 wheels. The project is still into development to find even better an algorithm to achieve the same task.

  • Saadia-Hassan/Authentication_based_unlocking_using_8051

    This project is built in order to understand the basic working principles of 8051 and get familiarized with the IO pins of 8051.

  • astianmuchui/Arduino-Motor-Control-Library

    A very simple library to help you independently control motors more easily

  • haxxorsid/remote-temp-humidity-rpi

    Using Raspberry Pi & website, remotely monitor the sensed temperature, humidity and remotely control the DC motor speed.

  • skbrii/BiWheel

    Simple arduino library for 2 wheel chassis driven by L298 or L293 H-bridge

  • WilliamDemirdjian/Arduino-4WD-Mecanum-controlled-by-Android-app

    Arduino 4WD Mecanum controlled by Android app

  • solid-droid/Arm-Gesture-Recognition

    Arm gesture recognition using arduino and MPU6050 for Prosthetic hand

  • gordonsolar/robot-car-with-raspberry-pi

    Python software for a remote control car consisting of a 2-motors-3-wheel-platform, raspberry pi 3, motor control L293D, bluetooth xbox controller as remote control and an ultrasonic distance sensor

  • martinabeleda/autonomous-driving

    Autonomous driving in urban environments

  • yahiayasser/Door_Locker

    Door_Locker Two micro-controllers, one acts as a HMI (Human Machine Interface) This micro-controller has a Dio module, LCD Module, Keypad Module and UART Module This one will be used just interfacing with user. The other micro-controller will be responsible for controlling the motor (actuation part) This micro-controller has a Dio module, Timer Module, DC_Motor Module and UART Module This one will be used for just Controlling the motor that will act as the lock for the door. The scenario will be as following: 1- first use Mode: the user will be prompted to enter pass and confirm it using keypad, if passwords are matched the password will be saved to the internal EEPROM of the first micro-controller. If the passwords are not matched it will tell you that the passwords are not matched and ask you to re-enter passwords. 2- Operating Mode: LCD Shows Supported Operations: a- Open the door: If the user choose to open the door he will be prompted to enter the password, if he fails with 4 trials, he will have to wait for 30 seconds to re-enter the password again. if the password is right, a message will be sent to the other micro-controller using uart to open the door. b- Change Password : user must enter the old password first to change. 3- Opening the door: When the message of opening the door will be received at the second micro-controller, it will rotate the motor 0.5 in the clockwise direction. 4- Closing the door: At first micro-controller, a message will be shown: "[1]Close Lock", if the user entered 1 a message will be sent to the other micro-controller to close the door, the second micro-controller will receive the message and rotate motor will rotate 0.5 in the anticlockwise direction. The LCD at the first micro controller will reflect any action / State happens at the system. for example if the door is opening it should show : Lock is opened

  • cakraawijaya/Obstacle-Avoidance-Arduino-Robot

    Arduino Project | Personal Experiment

  • Git-Utkarsh/Obstacle-Avoiding-Robot

    This Arduino code utilizes an ultrasonic sensor to measure distances. When an object is detected within a fix distance , the connected motors trigger a sequence: move backward, turn right, turn left, then move forward. Motor control is achieved using the AFMotor library, and the distance calculation is based on the sensor's pulse duration.

  • mirza-am/Robot_Car_ESP32

    Robot Car 4WD with ESP32 Wemos D1 R31 And IC Driver L293D by Controller Apps Blynk And Bluetooth RC Controller

  • raspberrypi-go-drivers/l293d

    Allows to use a L293D chip and control 2 (or 1) associated DC motors

  • sahilsinghrana/esp8266RCcar

    Restored my old rusty RC car to a working condition

  • shshwtkhr/Arduinox

    ArduinoX is a competition held at BITS pilani, pilani campus during the Apogee tech fest.

  • YeemBoi/L293

    A simple Arduino library for working with the L293D or L293 motor controller

  • avestura/electronics

    📟 Home of my electronic projects and anything electronics related

  • btknzn/-Closed-loop-motion-control-in-DC-Motor-encoder-Controller-with-PID-Controller

    Closed-loop motion control in DC Motor (encoder Controller) with PID Controller

  • btknzn/DC-Motor_speed_control_with_potansiyometre_T-NKERCAD

    DC Motor_speed_control_with_potansiyometre_TİNKERCAD

  • codymcelroy/Arduino_Dual_Motor_HBridge_Ultrasonic_Sensor

    A simple robot design with 2 motors being controlled by a distance sensor

  • gokberkkeptig/Microcontroller-Based-Multi-Tasked-System-Development

    Microcontroller Temperature Controlled System. Writing C code to implement temperature controller system on AVR ATMega128 (UNI-DS6 development board), Proteus 8 to simulate the system, which aims to keep the environment in a cool mode. To achieve that, it simultaneously recording the temperature using a potentiometer sensor. Then, the system acting accordingly by activating a PC fan using the L293D driver and simultaneously displaying the fan speed and temperature on a 4 bit LCD screen.


    IoT based Mini CNC ( Computer Numerical Control ) Scribbler & Writer

  • PlacidoYalistar-zz/8051-DC-Motor

    Interfacing DC motor using L293D motor driver with 8051 Microcontroller

  • roboticapratica/motorshield

    Uso do motor shield L293D

  • samuelpio01/Gesture-Controlled-Robot-IoT

    Control the Robot over the network with the Accelerometer ADXL335 and Android App

  • MBT-Mini_Battlebot_2020
  • Tarsier-Marianz/SunTracker_DCMotor

    SunTracker using LDR sensor and L293D to drive motors that handles for vertical and horizontal rotation.

  • tdorssers/Robot2

    Line following and collision avoidance robot car II
