
I implemented two games, which are WaterWorld and Pixelcopter, using PyGame.

Primary LanguagePython


In this project, I use PLE module which you can install it here and also this module works on Python2.7

How to use the PLE module:

First, for implementing the "WaterWorld" game, I should consider the game's rule such as:


  • player_velocity_y: A float number that indicates the velocity in y axis
  • player_velocity_x: A float number that indicates the velocity in x axis
  • creep_dist
    • BAD: list of player's distance from red circles
    • GOOD: list of player's distance from green circles
  • creep_pos
    • BAD: list of red circles's position
    • GOOD: list of green circles's position
  • player_x: player's position in x axis
  • player_y: player's position in y axis


  • 115: go down
  • 100: go right
  • 119: go up
  • 97: go left
  • None: stop

Second, for implementing the "PixelCopter" game, I should consider the game's rule such as:


  • player_vel: the player's velocity
  • player_dist_to_ceil: A float that indicates the distance to ceil
  • next_gate_block_top: lower block's position
  • next_gate_block_bottom: upper block's position
  • next_gate_dist_to_player: next block's position
  • player_dist_to_floor: A float that indicates the distance from ground
  • player_y: A float that indicates player's position


  • 119: go up
  • None: don't do anything, and because of gravity, go downs