Developing software has been my passion since I was ten years old and creating my first programs on a Commodore VIC 20. See my YouTube channel for more projects
Maker At Play Texas
Pinned Repositories
JavaScript program that loads an image of the Commodore VIC 20 Kernal ROM and allows you to step through the code as if I was in a debugger.
Interactive Block Diagram of 6502 Microprocessor (Hanson Diagram)
Emulate a Philips Hue Bridge/Light on an ESP32 to allow Amazon Echo voice control
BlackBerry application written in 2012 and published to BlackBerry App World as one of my MLH Software BlackBerry applications
BlackBerry application written in 2010 and published to BlackBerry App World as one of my MLH Software BlackBerry applications
Sample HTML and JavaScript code for 'JavaScript Date Object and Time Zones | Fixing an "off by 1 day" bug' YouTube video.
I took an esp32 microcontroller and a RFID-RC522 reader, and wrote code to read a NFC tag that I place on the CD and make an API call to Spotify to play that album on the Echo Dot that I mounted into a Walnut and Birdseye Maple case that I built.
Arduino code for the on air sign I created that can be controlled via Amazon Echo via a ESP32 microcontroller.
Simple JavaScript app to make API calls to Spotify
C# app to monitor UDP traffic to detect a Zoom, WebEx, or MS Teams Meeting then automatically turn on an On Air sign I built.
makeratplay's Repositories
Simple JavaScript app to make API calls to Spotify
I took an esp32 microcontroller and a RFID-RC522 reader, and wrote code to read a NFC tag that I place on the CD and make an API call to Spotify to play that album on the Echo Dot that I mounted into a Walnut and Birdseye Maple case that I built.
C# app to monitor UDP traffic to detect a Zoom, WebEx, or MS Teams Meeting then automatically turn on an On Air sign I built.
Arduino code for the on air sign I created that can be controlled via Amazon Echo via a ESP32 microcontroller.
Emulate a Philips Hue Bridge/Light on an ESP32 to allow Amazon Echo voice control
BlackBerry application written in 2010 and published to BlackBerry App World as one of my MLH Software BlackBerry applications
JavaScript program that loads an image of the Commodore VIC 20 Kernal ROM and allows you to step through the code as if I was in a debugger.
Interactive Block Diagram of 6502 Microprocessor (Hanson Diagram)
BlackBerry application written in 2012 and published to BlackBerry App World as one of my MLH Software BlackBerry applications
Sample HTML and JavaScript code for 'JavaScript Date Object and Time Zones | Fixing an "off by 1 day" bug' YouTube video.
BlackBerry application written in 2012 and published to BlackBerry App World as one of my MLH Software BlackBerry applications
BlackBerry application written in 2009 and published to BlackBerry App World as one of my MLH Software BlackBerry applications
BlackBerry application written in 2010 and published to BlackBerry App World as one of my MLH Software BlackBerry applications
Simple web app to compare the DOW today to Feb 12, 2020.
g-code files for cutting large sign letters. See my YouTube video for more information.
Maker At Play web site