
JavaScript program that loads an image of the Commodore VIC 20 Kernal ROM and allows you to step through the code as if I was in a debugger.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Commodore VIC 20 Kernal Debug Tool | 6502 Emulator

As I continue in my adventures in retro computing with Commodore VIC 20, I am wanting to learn the internals for the VIC 20 Kernal. To help me with this task, I have written a JavaScript program that loads an image of the Kernal ROM and allows me to step through the code as if I was in a debugger. This tool provides visual feedback of the registers and memory as each line of the assembly code is executed.

The video below is a quick demo of this tool.

Commodore VIC 20 Kernal Debug Tool | 6502 Emulator

Live Page

You can find more info on my web site for this project http://www.makeratplay.com/projects/7/index.html

And checkout my YouTube channel for other maker projects I have done. http://makeratplay.com/