
my linux configs files

Primary LanguageShell

mal1kc’s dotfiles

about this config

this config is my main setup config with archlinux (if u have recommendations/questions for me please say it)


OS:Arch Linux x86_64
ThemeArc-Dark [GTK2/3]
IconsPapirus-Dark [GTK2/3]


  • file manager: nnn,pcmanfm
  • media-player: mpv
  • music-player: cmus
  • editor: neovim (config is in another repo) ,emacs [doom-emacs]
  • browser: librewolf,ungoogled-chromium (sites that doesn’t work in librewolf)
  • image viewer: nsxiv
  • pdf viewer: zathura
  • launcher: [wofi](https://sr.ht/~scoopta/wofi/)

package list

bare aur and normal packages is in ./dotfiles_installers/pkg_list.txt nix profile package list is in ./dotfiles_installers/nix_profile_pkg_list.txt


ttc-isevka # (big font pkg ~300MB)


nsxiv                     # neo sxiv
librewolf                 # more piracy firendly,much faster firefox

build from source and why

nnn                       # file manager build from source for nerd icons

other installations

fish plugins

fisher - a plugin manager for Fishshell

sponge - 🧽 Clean fish history from typos automatically

fish-async-prompt - Make your prompt asynchronous to improve the reactivity. fzf.fish - 🔍 🐟 Fzf plugin for Fish


my neovim config based on lazyvim starter

emacs - doomemacs config

doom emacs

images gallery

images are in diffrent branch

../dotfiles_screenshots/desktop_screenshot0.png ../dotfiles_screenshots/desktop_screenshot1.png ../dotfiles_screenshots/desktop_screenshot2.png ../dotfiles_screenshots/desktop_screenshot3.png


  • add missing featues install.py , add auto testing
    • add remove old backups
    • implement recovery from backup tar archive
  • write better screenshot scripts
  • try other notification daemons
  • revisit zsh and update zsh config
  • simlify package list to update installer script
  • maybe maybe add git crypt with some files
  • maybe add some x11 configs (prob i don’t do that)

git file tree

|-- .Xresources
|-- .bashrc
|-- .config
|   |-- MangoHud
|   |   `-- MangoHud.conf
|   |-- bat
|   |   `-- config
|   |-- dunst
|   |   `-- dunstrc
|   |-- fish
|   |   |-- conf.d
|   |   |   |-- DEsktop_wayland.fish
|   |   |   |-- aliases.fish
|   |   |   |-- asdf.fish
|   |   |   |-- dotnet.fish
|   |   |   |-- exports.user.fish
|   |   |   |-- kitty.fish
|   |   |   |-- mkfileP.fish
|   |   |   |-- nix.fish
|   |   |   |-- nnn.fish
|   |   |   |-- pyenv.fish
|   |   |   `-- updt.fish
|   |   `-- config.fish
|   |-- foot
|   |   |-- foot
|   |   |   `-- foot.ini
|   |   `-- foot.ini
|   |-- gamemode.ini
|   |-- gtk-3.0
|   |   `-- settings.ini
|   |-- hypr
|   |   |-- hypridle.conf
|   |   |-- hyprland.conf
|   |   |-- hyprland_apps.conf
|   |   |-- hyprland_binds.conf
|   |   |-- hyprland_displays.conf
|   |   |-- hyprland_plugins.conf
|   |   |-- hyprland_variables.conf
|   |   |-- hyprland_windowrules.conf
|   |   |-- hyprlock.conf
|   |   |-- hyprpaper.conf
|   |   `-- scripts
|   |       |-- lock
|   |       `-- start_idle_tool
|   |-- i3
|   |   |-- config
|   |   `-- status.conf
|   |-- kitty
|   |   |-- diff.conf
|   |   `-- kitty.conf
|   |-- mimeapps.list
|   |-- mpv
|   |   |-- input.conf
|   |   |-- mpv.conf
|   |   |-- scripts
|   |   |   |-- mpris.so
|   |   |   |-- osc.lua
|   |   |   |-- seek-show-position.js
|   |   |   `-- thumbfast.lua
|   |   `-- scripts-opts
|   |       `-- thumbfast.conf
|   |-- my_extra_configs
|   |   |-- change_wallpaper.sh
|   |   `-- sounds
|   |       `-- new_bell.ogg
|   |-- nnn
|   |   `-- plugins
|   |       |-- autojump
|   |       |-- cmusq
|   |       |-- diffs
|   |       |-- finder
|   |       |-- fzopen
|   |       |-- imgview
|   |       |-- preview-tui
|   |       `-- renamer
|   |-- nsxiv
|   |   `-- exec
|   |       `-- key-handler
|   |-- pcmanfm
|   |   `-- default
|   |       `-- pcmanfm.conf
|   |-- picom.conf
|   |-- river
|   |   `-- init
|   |-- systemd
|   |   `-- user
|   |       |-- waybar.path
|   |       `-- waybar.service
|   |-- tmux
|   |   `-- tmux.conf
|   |-- user-dirs.dirs
|   |-- wal
|   |   `-- templates
|   |       |-- colors-custom-gtk3.css
|   |       `-- colors.Xresources
|   |-- waybar
|   |   |-- colors.css
|   |   |-- config
|   |   `-- style.css
|   |-- wofi
|   |   |-- audio.json
|   |   |-- config
|   |   |-- notif-example.json
|   |   |-- powermenu.json
|   |   |-- scripts
|   |   |   `-- audio.sh
|   |   `-- style.css
|   |-- zathura
|   |   `-- zathurarc
|   `-- zsh
|       |-- alias.zsh
|       |-- conf.d
|       |   `-- asdf.zsh
|       |-- mkfileP.zsh
|       |-- p10k.zsh
|       `-- zsh_plugins.txt
|-- .doom.d
|   |-- config.el
|   |-- config.org
|   |-- custom.el
|   |-- init.el
|   `-- packages.el
|-- .emacs-profiles.el
|-- .firefox_scipts_configs
|   `-- user.js
|-- .gitconfig
|-- .gitignore
|-- .gtkrc-2.0
|-- .inputrc
|-- .local
|   |-- bin
|   |   |-- ch_wallpaper.sh
|   |   |-- clear_pacman_aur_cache.sh
|   |   |-- download_music_playlist.sh
|   |   |-- e
|   |   |-- git-tip
|   |   |-- qrclip
|   |   |-- screenshot
|   |   |-- screenshot-wl
|   |   |-- screenshot-x11
|   |   |-- screenshot_fullscreen
|   |   |-- search
|   |   |-- search_file
|   |   |-- start_waybar.sh
|   |   |-- start_wlsunset.sh
|   |   |-- tmux-nvim-sessionizer
|   |   |-- tmux-sessionizer
|   |   |-- wofi_json.py
|   |   `-- yt
|   `-- share
|       `-- applications
|           `-- cmus.desktop
|-- .pre-commit-config.yaml
|-- .zshrc
|-- dotfiles_installers
|   |-- archlinux_and_aur_install.sh
|   |-- asdf_install.sh
|   |-- fisher_install.sh
|   `-- fisher_plugins.txt
|-- install.py
|-- nerd-font-smoke-test.sh
|-- readme.org
`-- scripts
    |-- create-github-repo.py
    |-- load_tokens.py
    |-- system_hardware_info.py
    `-- write_pkg_list.sh

45 directories, 123 files