This project involves - Building RTABMAP of environment. The map built is launched and used to perform object detection using colour segmentation. The object is localized in the robot environment wrt the origin of the map.
Launch Gazebo and Rviz $ roslaunch turtlebot_octomap turtlebot_build_map.launch
Launch teleop node $ roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch
load the object detector node - it detects the brown shelf. It finds the location of the shelf wrt the world (/map) and publishes it on to /obj_detect/location $ rosrun detec_obj_pkg detec_obj_pkg_node
Run the send_node_goal to allow robot to move to the goal ( at object location area) $ rosrun detec_obj_pkg detec_obj_pkg_node
publish 1 onto the /object_detect/sendGoal topic to send the goal value published by the detect_obj_pkg_node to send_goal_node $ rostopic pub /object_detect/sendGoalag std_msgs/Int16 1
Debugging - if tranform between map and other frames is not found, run $ rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 1 map my_frame 10