
Misc R data objects to be used for tutorials

Primary LanguageCSS

Misc R data objects + scripts

R data objects used for tutorials

genes: UCSC refflat genes from hg38: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/database/refFlat.txt.gz

sites: HIV integration site data processed from PMID: 24489369 & 21561906

R script used for report making tutorial

markdown_custom.R: template R script to demonstrate usage of markdown_custom.css markdown_custom.Rmd: template markdown document markdown_custom.css: gutted bootstrap css with table of content mod for markdown reports "markdown_custom.md.html: product of running markdown_custom.R

hiReadsProcessor_object.png: structural hierarchy of sampleInfo object from hiReadsProcessor R package