
patch output genome is identical to input target genome

wackerk opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello! I am attempting to patch a scaffold-assembled reference genome of a congener of my focal bird species (TANG, in the code below) with a chromosome-level reference genome of a more distantly related species (CAMAR, in the code below). I ran RagTag with default settings and the stderr output file tracking the progress showed that the program worked appropriately. However, when I use QUAST to compare the original scaffold reference (TANG) with the patched reference, results indicate that the genomes are identical (same # contigs, N50, L50, etc). Any ideas on what has happened? An issue with using default settings perhaps?

Code used for RagTag:


$RAGTAG patch $TANG $CAMAR -u -o $OUT --aligner $NUCMER

I would also add that I used QUAST to compare my original scaffold reference (TANG) and the original chromosome reference (CAMAR), and found that the chromosome-level genome assembly was much better as expected. So I don't believe the issue is that I'm incorrectly running QUAST.

Thanks in advance for any ideas you might have!