Pinned issues
- 0
The possibility of starting from HiFi ccs reads
#192 opened by OceanLyu - 0
integration with juicer
#191 opened by Overcraft90 - 0
Scaffold option -r error
#190 opened by arif-tanmoy - 0
question of Hi-C to resolve conflicts
#189 opened by njliangdong - 1
- 0
`updategff` produces wrong output if parts of the scaffolds are used in the AGP file
#188 opened by taprs - 1
ragtag.patch.fasta lacks unplaced contigs?
#185 opened by adadiehl - 0
RagTag error: "OSError: error when opening file"
#187 opened by ylzou867 - 1
Adjust default gap size
#186 opened by mrvollger - 8
a bytes-like object is required, not 'dict'
#141 opened by mabh5 - 4
RagTag patch bug
#155 opened by r-poloni - 1
Missing ragtag.correct.reads.s.bam file
#184 opened by faye-romero - 1
Scaffold and correct
#183 opened by aabaricalla - 0
- 0
output file not found
#181 opened by Anysdn - 1
The scaffold command was submitted and the assembled result was not available
#180 opened by LZY19940813 - 6 merge RuntimeError: only complete components can be added to the graph error
#156 opened by benyoung93 - 3
- 0
Using RagTag to close the gaps in a chromosome or reference genome using long-read data
#179 opened by gforg34 - 0
Ragtag Merge IndexError for -f AGP file
#177 opened by nickgladman - 1
- 1
correct use by the species.
#163 opened by danielpinilla1 - 3
Can't use multiple threads via -t
#171 opened by ChungLamYu - 1
Error when running RagTag patch command
#174 opened by nvuhunganh - 0
pysam error
#173 opened by mabh5 - 7
Scaffolding inserts gaps that aren't covered by HiFi or ONT reads and aren't in reference
#170 opened by nickgladman - 3
Scaffold longer than reference genome due to NNNNs
#172 opened by vappiah - 3
Scaffold inserting strings of 100 N's?
#157 opened by cizydorczyk - 0
- 0
`ragtag scaffold` without concatenation
#168 opened by taprs - 0
- 0
updategff issues
#166 opened by El-Castor - 0
- 1
RagTAg correct: "no attribute 'get_reference_length'"
#162 opened by pna059 - 0
Unable to fill gap with ragtag scaffold and patch
#164 opened by yipukangda - 1
Question about installation
#159 opened by zhousun21 - 0
Running RagTag on bacterial short-read assemblies
#161 opened by ne1al - 0
Large >270Mb contigs vs >14Gb reference
#160 opened by Ural-Yunusbaev - 1
Patch error: "Tuple Index out of Range"
#152 opened by schmigle - 3
Scaffolding error: 'RuntimeError: There are no useful alignments. Check output alignment files.`
#145 opened by bahiyahazli - 1
RagTag Reference
#147 opened by WeixuanPlant - 1
repeat masking
#150 opened by evo-eco-gen - 1
How to pass minimap2 parameters?
#151 opened by evo-eco-gen - 1
- 1
Scaffold doesn't run
#154 opened by aebaci - 0
RagTag name coming up
#149 opened by rmormando - 0
Some contigs are not scaffolded
#148 opened by rknx - 0
Error message when running
#146 opened by Surbhigrewal - 1
about paf2delta
#144 opened by 1085268616 - 0
Can RagTag use for improve assembled contigs from macrogenomes or macrotrasncriptome
#143 opened by NailouZhang